Night Time Showers

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       The Club had yet another late-night study group in the library, it was something they did every so often so they could help one another. It soon turned 8:45 pm which met their common space was soon going to close for the night.

Todd began to pack up his belongings, "I'm already going to head to the library to drop off my books," he explained. "I've got to check out a book before 8:50 pm- plus I forgot my shorts in the locker rooms."

"Sure thing," Charlie said as he peered up from his textbook.

"We'll see you in a bit," Neil added.

Todd nodded as he left the common space. He made his way down the empty hallways with only the sound of his footsteps prowling lightly and arms full of books.

He was on his way to the locker room when he heard the sound of running water, it was coming from the showers. Todd didn't think anything of it he began to walk through the locker room to get his shorts when he saw who was showering. It had curves and long hair that draped from their back;

'A- girl?!' He thought to himself as he dropped some books in shock. He only saw her backside as she washed her hair. She quickly turned her head to see a figure when she grabbed a nearby towel and covered herself.

Todd was entirely apologetic towards the girl as he picked up his books. "I-I'm so sorry!" Todd said as he averted his eyes. "I didn't know."

Y/n wrapped a pink towel around her body as she stared at the boy alarmed. "Who are- how did you get in here?" Todd said still not looking at the exposed girl.

"I'm a student!" She explained quickly, "my father works for the school board- I take courses privately." Todd looked up to see that the girl looked fearful. "Oh please don't tell anyone else!" She begged.

"No no, it's okay!" Todd reassured as he stood up from collecting his books, "I won't tell."

For some odd reason, Y/n trusted the boy's word. She stood there as her hair dripped down to her arms. "I'm Y/n," she said softly.

Todd looked at the Y/n remembering that she was indecent he blotted his eyes down. "I'm Todd A-Anderson," he nervously stuttered. His face beat red as he continued to look at the floor.

'He's cute,' Y/n thought to herself, 'and shy.'

Just then Todd heard Neil's voice coming from the entrance of the locker room. Both Todd and Y/n's hearts sank.

"Todd? You were supposed to meet us in the library, what happened?" He asked walking up to him. Soon the entire gang followed Neil into the locker room. There was nowhere for Y/n to hide and they both were caught in a bind.

Y/n panicked as she looked at him.

"Don't worry about them they're my friends," he said as he place his books on a nearby bench.

"Here!" Todd declared as he took off his Welton Academy jacket. "Put this on!" He said in a gentleman-like manner.

"Todd? What are you-" the club stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Todd standing in the showers with a naked girl.

"Who- what the?!" Charlie said as he tried to contain his excitement. "Who's the paper shaker?"

"This- is Y/n," he tried his best to explain. "Listen guys she's a student but nobodies supposed to know so we've got to keep this a secret," Todd announced. "Come on guys she's scared enough," Todd said as he stood in front of Y/n so that she could have some privacy.

The club was completely confused and pleased to see a girl in their school, yet they avoided eye contact with her out of respect. Even Charlie who was the group's comedian averted his eyes.

"Screw that!" Cameron said with a weak voice, "Let's get her to show us her breasts!" He announced, trying to get the others involved with his stupid plan.

Y/n then grabbed onto Todd's arm for protection as she hid behind him.

"Cam!" Neil shouted irritated.

"Leave her the hell alone," Todd simply said as he stood his ground furiously.

"Ya Cameron, what the hell's your problem?" Charlie said as he slapped him upside the head.

"Hey don't get mad at me when we were all thinking about it!" Cameron said still hoping that someone would agree with him. They didn't. "This is a rare opportunity, guys-"

Just then Todd socked Cameron in the mouth. "I told you to leave her the hell alone," he said in a deep tone. Something came over Todd that he couldn't contain.

"Really asshole?" Knox said as he and Pitts pulled him up and dragged him outside.

There stood Charlie, Meeks and Neil still respectively looking away from Y/n. "We'll give you some privacy, Y/n," Meeks said as he began to leave the locker room.

"It was nice meeting you," Neil said as he shyly followed Meeks.

"Sorry we had to meet this way," Charlie said slipping in one last harmless joke as he was the last one to leave.

There Todd stood with Y/n still wearing his jacket. "I'm sorry about that," he began to explain, "he's not really-"

"It's okay," Y/n said as she looked at Todd completely in sweetened. 'Could you fall in love with someone you've just met?' She thought to herself. "Thank you for standing up for me," she said in appreciation.

Todd looked at Y/n and thought she looked adorable in his jacket, her eyelashes clumped up from the water and her hair was all slicked back. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "I'll wait outside for you to finish your shower to make sure nobody else comes in," he said regaining back his shy ways as he backed up slowly.

"Okay," Y/n said faintly, not wanting her time with Todd to end. "Maybe you could walk me to my dorm," Y/n asked on the same level of shyness.

"Y-ya ok," Todd said bashfully as he took one last look at Y/n.

"Okay," said merrily, he stood there for a moment as he stared at her in awe. "I'm going to get undressed now," Y/n teased, giving him a hint to go.

"Oh- right!" Todd said embarrassed as he grabbed his books. "I'll see you out there!" And with that, he quickly walked out of the showers.

Y/n watched Todd leave as she got ready to finish her shower, her heart felt like it was going to explode. Out there was an amazing guy was waiting just for her.

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