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Ch. 26: Tensions Rise

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The next few days were spent wondering what I'd gotten myself into. I'd gone from taking a job at the enemy's company to keeping company with the enemy. And in the middle of that, an injured human, a missing human, and now, a dead one.

The situation had escalated, and my actions with Rhys weren't making things any simpler.

After Rhys had showered and left my cabin, I'd remained in bed, staring up at the ceiling, wondering if what I was experiencing with him was either the most charged connection I'd ever had, or my ticket to my own undoing.

It took hours for Dev and his team to process the scene and then begin to conduct interviews. Everyone present at the lodge, whether human or shifter, needed to be spoken to. I remained in my room awaiting my turn, eventually drifting off to sleep, using a pillow draped over me to simulate the weight of Rhys's arm as he held me to him.

Get it together, I thought to myself. He's having fun with you so that he doesn't have to deal with the real shit his pack is facing. You are nothing but a distraction.

Just after dawn, a knock on my door woke me.

"Calla, it's Dev. Can I speak with you?"

I hadn't expected him to come to me. Swinging my legs off the bed, I straightened the covers and then threw on a sweatshirt before opening the door for my bleary-eyed ex. "Come on in."

Inside, he sat on the same chair Aamon had and I took my place, perched on the edge of the bed.

Dev let out a long sigh before speaking. "I've interviewed both Rhys and Aamon."

"Let me guess: both of them had my name in their mouths."

He managed a tired smile. "Why don't you tell me what you think they said."

I studied Dev, wondering how much of the truth to reveal because I definitely wasn't going to lie to this man. He could spot the smallest fib from clear across town.

"Aamon told you I may have killed Zara because I saw her as competition for his affections and Rhys told you I couldn't have killed Zara but wouldn't tell you why he's so convinced of my innocence."

"That is...spot on. Jesus." He ran his finger through his hair and then leaned his head back against the wall. "What is going on, Calla? Do you know anything about Zara's murder?"

"Those are two loaded questions, Detective. The second part is easy to answer though: no, I have no clue who killed Zara or why. As for what's going on? Aamon is a fucking moron whose narcissistic tendencies have led him to believe no woman can resist his charm."

"Okay, that part I buy. And what about Rhys?"

"What about him?"

"It's me, Calla," he said, tapping his pen onto the pad of paper he'd been jotting down notes in. "Don't play games. Why is it that the first words out of Rhys's mouth as soon as we were alone in a room together was to swear to your innocence?"

Damnit Rhys. You overshot. "Why do you think that is?"

"Do you really want to know?"

I shrugged and then nodded. "Tell me your theory."

"I think the two of you were together at the time Zara was murdered. Rhys can't let anyone know that you are each other's alibis, but he also won't let Aamon get away with pinning this on you."

I let out a long breath. I didn't want Dev to have this private information pinned to the forefront of his mind, yet it was also a relief that he knew. "Rhys trusts you, Dev. He's not an idiot. Well, occasionally he is, but most of the time, he's of average intelligence and he knows you'll deduce what he's saying to you and guard our secret. You will, won't you?"

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