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Pov Uzair

Arriving in my room, I recognised the silhouette of Shumaila lying in bed.

"Ouch !" I heard her exclaim in a small voice.

Worried, I approached her, turning on the small light in the room, her gaze came to me, and I smiled for a moment, but very quickly she ignored me, turning over to the other side of the mattress.

I smiled stupidly, it reminded me of the time when I hadn't been able to attend her eloquence competition and when she discovered that it was because I'd overslept, she ignored me for two days, finally, I'd turned up at her place at night, and she'd continued to turn the bed in all directions, until I'd apologised a good hundred times, and it seemed to start all over again.

"Shumaila" I called softly, putting a hand on hers.

Immediately, she rose like a fury to push me away curtly, and I wasn't going to lie that it hurt me, "What ? Have you finally done sulking in your corner after avoiding me for the past two days ?

"I remind you that you've been ignoring me too" I try to defend myself.

"Because as soon as I tried to talk to you, you sent me off as if I didn't exist Uzair, so I should jump into your arms because suddenly I'm not invisible to you, I'm fed up with you" she exclaimed annoyed.

"I know, it's my fault," I said guiltily.

She calmed down and looked at me attentively "Why did you ignore me ? "she asked seriously

This was the moment when I had to tell the truth, I sighed, I'd never been jealous of anyone until now, my record had just ended. "I was jealous..." I said straight into her eyes.

She looked at me in astonishment, not understanding why. "Of what ?" she asked confusedly.

"Of afid, I don't love him" I said with a grimace as I remembered him.

But Shumaila seemed even more confused

"But Uzair, Afid is a nice guy," she defended him innocently.

I curse her naivety inwardly "No, he's not, he tried to seduce you without even asking if you were married" I reply.

"Precisely because he didn't know, but now he does", she replies simply.

"No, Shumaila, I know very well that he's going to keep trying to get you to do him favours, except that it's getting on my nerves, YOU ARE MY WIFE".

She tried to contradict me, still not understanding why I was jealous, but I'd had enough, I grabbed her by the shoulders, slamming her against me without really thinking, and claimed her lips, anticipating them with all my desire.

"Do you understand Shumaila ? I love you ! No husband could bear to see another man hanging around his wife because I LOVE YOU" I told her as I separated from her but kept her close to me.

She lowered her head "Don't joke about things like that Uzuu, you don't love me  that way so suddenly now you do ? "she asked, shaking her head in despair.

I cupped her face delicately, placing a kiss on her forehead. I felt her close her eyes. "Look at me, Miss Panda," I said softly.

She did so and her adorable little pout made me want to kiss her breath away.

"I love you Miss Panda, I don't know how it's done ? But you succeeded, you made me fall in love with you, and now that I'm aware of it, don't think I'm playing with your jokes, I'm sorry I was so unfair with you, the feelings you had for me are not insults but the most sincere things you've ever offered me, forgive me Shumaila"

She burst into tears with a smile, "I'm so afraid it's a dream Uzair, I want to believe it but what if I finally wake up and it's all my imagination ? "she said painfully

I was angry at myself for making her suffer so much. "What can I do to make you believe it's true ? "I asked her.

"Nothing" she shouted, sulking, which made me laugh.

She glared at me but I just pulled her in again, kissing her face tenderly. "I love you" was the word I repeated in my mouth every time my lips touched her skin.

I finally took her completely against me before lying down. We were silent for a while, his face buried against my chest, I felt so good.

"Uzair ? "she whispered against my chest.

I Hummed in response. She drew back slightly, plunging her gaze into mine.

"Please Make me ...yours" she said shyly, her cheeks flushed.

It was then that my heart went completely out of my chest for the woman in my arms. She was the one who was always there for me, how could I separate myself from her ?

I set out to make her completely mine that night, to make amends for all the horrible things I'd done to her and above all to prove to her that she had completely trapped my heart in her love.

I finally kissed her after the few minutes or hours of happiness and love we'd just spent together. I covered us with the blanket.

"I was right to believe in you," she told me happily.

I shook my head, "You were right to believe in us, ,without you, I would have remained a blind idiot forever " I continued.

Our hearts and souls linked, we fall asleep. Sometimes what we think is the end is the beginning of another.

Our friendship was over but our love had begun and I love my miss Panda.

Note : The next update is the epilogue chapter 😉

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