Role of a Queen

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Laura's POV

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me; I stopped trying to control my labour breaths. I glanced around, seeing no but only trees. I felt eyes were on me, but I couldn't see a soul.


I flinched, turning to see a dark figure standing arm's length away from me. I can't see his face, just darkness. I growled in warning as I threw a fist, but he tilted his head, dodging my attack, sparking more fear in me and anger. I threw another punch, but this time, he blocked it and then threw a fist at me. I ducked down and kneed his stomach, earning a grunt of pain.

The next thing I knew, I stepped on his feet as I twisted myself to be behind him. I kicked his back, making him fall to the ground. A smirk appeared on my lips, feeling excitement going through me, but that was short-lived as a pair of arms wrapped around me. I squealed, throwing my head back and landing on my attacker's head. He groaned out in pain, releasing me. I turned, punched his neck, and kicked his stomach. My fists were up to my chest, keeping my guard up.

Suddenly, Noah appeared behind this dark figure and snapped his finger. The dark figure faded away, "not bad, your Majesty," he said, clapping his hands together.

"She could do better," I snapped my head at John, giving him a deadly glare. "Don't give that look," he said playfully, glaring back at me.

"I think we should cool down with physical training," Noah said, glancing over to John. I noticed how their face changed as if they were talking in silence and only using their looks to talk.

"Is there something I'm missing?" I asked, furrowing my brows, glancing between Noah and John.

Noah shook his head 'no', "nothing..." He murmured. "Theo and I were—"

"Theo?" I asked in confusion.

I snapped my head to John, who looked pissed off. "Not now, Noah," he growled before vanishing.

Was John, Theo?

I was about to ask, but Reef and Reed appeared. Time up for training. This means returning to the palace, calling home to check on Pete and see how he is recovering and becoming Alpha. "Well... That's my time to go," Noah softly said. "Oh, and congratulations," he smirked before turning his heels.

"Congratulations?" I asked.

He glanced down at my tummy, then up into my stares, "You'll find out." He chuckled and walked away.

"Your Royal Highness!" Reef cheerfully called out. "We need to rush your royal butt inside!"

I chuckled, walking towards them, "there's no need to rush." I joked.

"Sorry, but we must rush, or our heads will be on a silver platter." He grumbled, gently grabbing my arm, followed by Reed. They were picking up their pace, gently pulling me. This wasn't very clear.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Laura," Reed said calmly. "Just warning, once inside, a mod of maids attack you and Elder Sophia." Once we were inside, to my surprise, Reed was right. A dozen of maids, some holding makeup kits and some holding dresses. Two rushed towards me, "Luna, we must get you to your room." They said, taking my hands and pulling me away from Reef and Reed.

I glanced over my shoulder, giving the twins a helpful gaze. They just waved their hand while laughing at me. I felt that I'd got into something much more than expected. "Luna!" I turned my head, and there Elder Sophia paced towards me with flies in my hands. "We need to get you ready. Since Elizabeth will not be around to help you with your role as Luna Queen, I will."

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