Cɦɑpteɾ 19

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♫ Why does sad love always taste the sweetest?
We got reasons, you and I ♫

Charles Leclerc POV

I crossed the finish line first, and Max crossed right after, followed by Carlos. As I drove another lap, I saw my family partying. My son was in Natalie's arms as they jumped in joy before hugging my mom, and my brothers joined. The whole crowd could be heard, I won my home race!!

I parked the car, got out, did the weighing, and ran to my team, jumping on top of them. I get to my family, and I hug them, getting to my son, who is now in Lorenzo's arms.

"Good job dad!" Lucas says happily, and I kiss his forehead.

"Thank you, son," I say proudly, and I kiss Natalie's cheek before hugging her dad.

The interviews, the team, the fans. Everything was perfect today. This is by far the best day of my damn life. I've finally won the race here. I left the track around 8 PM; my family was long gone by then, and so were Natalie and her dad. I stayed behind for some meetings and to autograph stuff.

Lucas would be staying with my mom tonight, so I had to say my goodbyes; he was happy, though, and told me to take care of Natalie, and by telling me, I mean he just sent me a text telling me to take care of her and have fun with his uncles.

I ate something quick for dinner and went to get Natalie, as I had agreed. I stopped in front of her building, and she appeared. My breath is blown away in seconds. The red dress hugs her body perfectly. The clothes she previously wore made me wonder what could be underneath; this made me wonder how it would look as I took off of her. I shook my head as I opened the door for her to enter my car.

 I shook my head as I opened the door for her to enter my car

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"Is this too much?" She asks when I put on my seatbelt.

"Not at all; you will see way more exaggerated; people try everything at these parties. You are completely on point. Is the red to celebrate Ferrari's win?" I ask, hoping she would say it was because that win is mine too.

"No. It's to celebrate your win, I can celebrate as a Ferrari worker any day. This is special. You won your home race," she says as she crosses her legs.

"Are you cold?" I ask worriedly as I stop in a red sign.

"A bit, but the club will be hot, and I don't want to walk around with a jacket all night," she shrugs, but I lean back and get my Ferrari jacket that I kept there in case of need.

"Use this, I will keep it for you so you don't have to walk around with it," I say and she puts it over her shoulders, completing the look.

We got to the club. I got out of the car, gave the keys to the parker, and went to open her door, covering her exit in case someone was recording, and entered the club with her, my jacket and number hanging on her shoulders with the red dress. That's quite a statement if you ask me.

She greets some of the girlfriends, and I greet the guys, and then we switch. Max and I immediately started talking about the race and how he tried to overtake the car so many times that he thought he would crash eventually.

"The jacket will create quite the gossip, did you arrive together too?" Max asks as we see her, Kelly, and Lily talking a few meters away.

"Then you could stop gossiping too. We did arrive together if you care that much about it. I don't care what people say. We have signed all needed paperwork; our job is not being compromised," I say as I watch her; she sips her drink, her lipstick not budging. Would it smudge if my lips were on hers? Fuck. I need to stop.

"That's not what we are worried about, mate," Max says as he smirks.

"We are worried about your fear of commitment; after Sylvie, it all just became one-night stands and sort flings. She must be scaring the shit out of you, especially with the fact that Lucas likes her," Pierre adds, and I roll my eyes.

"I am not afraid; that is what I have time for. I have no time to raise a kid, be a Formula 1 driver, and date. Casual sex is the easiest; maybe in a few years, it will get easier, but not now," everyone got quiet as we saw Natalie approaching, my jacket in her hand.

"Thank you Charles," she says as she gives it to me with a smile.

"No problem," I smile as I watch her walk to the bar.

"I'm glad none of the two will admit the attraction," Carlos says as he laughs and I shoot him a threatening look that makes him stop.

I left the jacket behind the bar. I knew the bar, and they knew me, so I trusted them to keep it safe. They'd done it before.

"Hey! You should've told us she had a boyfriend," Pierre says as outrage fills his voice; if someone doesn't like to gossip wrong, he is that person. I always know everything through him.

"What?" I ask, searching for the red dress, finding it in the bar.

She was talking to a guy, and she knew him. His hand was on her waist; his eyes spent more time on her cleavage than on her face as they talked. She laughed, touched his arm, and flipped her hair; I even saw her checking him out. They are obviously flirting, and I am astonished.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend. I asked," I say short and direct, and I see Pierre's amused expression.

"Oh, so she has her own casual fuck in Monaco. That's smart," Pierre teases me, and I give him a look threatening enough that he knows when to shut up.

"Someone is jealous, and I would be too. That hand is lowering by the second; someone is getting lucky tonight, and it's not Charles. It's the tanned, somewhat tall guy by the bar," Max says as he laughs, and he laughs even more once I finish my drink and walk over there.

I am going to find out who the fuck that guy is before his hand reaches her ass, and it's too damn close if you ask me.

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