Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV:

Ugh, great. Today is Monday. Which means there's school. And I get to see her, aka, Jenna Ortega, again. She is literally the worst person I have ever met since I transferred to my new school. And probably the most beautiful human being ever but she's so cocky and annoying. That's what I don't like about her.

Oh, how I wish I could just crumble into ashes and disappear as the wind blows me away.

I didn't get much sleep last night. I was busy preparing for a test next week.

I was now awakened by my alarm clock.

I cannot believe time flies so fast. It feels like I was born yesterday.

I then turned it off my alarm clock as I sat up and rubbed my eyes gently. Yawning and groaning. I got up and checked to see what time it was. It was 4:23 am. Which means I still have 2 hours to get ready. Great. I wish I could've just set the alarm clock at 5 so I could get more sleep. Oh well, I'm now wide awake and decided to go out and have a nice walk.

The sun was now rising as I watched it while walking.


I quickly showered once I got home. It is now 5:03 which means I still have time to get ready. Luckily, I had enough time to catch up with the bus and go to school with my earphones on.

After arriving at school, the first person that noticed me was Noelle, my best friend.

She greeted me with a 'hello' and hugged me.

"Hey, girl. How was your day?" She said to me as soon as she broke the hug.

"It was horrible. I had to study my ass for hours because of the stupid quiz next week." I groaned.

She looked at me and patted my shoulder. "I feel bad for you. I was hanging out with Jayden yesterday so I was also pretty busy."

Right. She was with him. Of course she was with Jayden. That guy gave me the creeps. I never trusted that guy. He literally kissed a girl in front of my best friend and she still forgave him. I couldn't stop her though since it was her choice.

"Anyway, got any plans this week other than studying?" She said. I shrugged.

"Not really. I don't have any other friends anyway." Noelle and I giggled. The bell then rang scaring the shit out of me.

"Shit. Gotta go. See ya later!" And that was her last words before sprinting back inside.


Class was boring as ever but I tried to keep myself mantained. I then noticed that Jenna was right sitting behind me. I sighed. Soon while discussing she began kicking the back of my seat. I ignored her at first and second. But once she kicked me the third time I had enough. I turned around and looked towards her.

"Can you stop being so annoying?" I whispered to her. Rolling my eyes before looking in front of me again.

She then kicked my seat again, causing me to turn around again.

"Stop it!" I yelled at her.

She covered her mouth while laughing at me. I didn't even realized the whole class was now looking at me.

"Mrs. L/n! Pay attention to the class or else I'm gonna have to give you detention!" The teacher said to me.

I then turned in front of me and rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. I hate that bitch so much. She always gets to my nerves. God, how I wish I could punch her in the face right now.


After class ended I didn't hesitate and left almost immediately after the bell rang. I didn't wanna be in the same room with Jenna anymore. After she made me feel like a fool in front of the teacher. That's not the first time it happend.


Anyway, that's it ladies and gentlemen! Thank you so much for reading this! This is literally my first time writing lol

I hope you liked this chapter:3

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