Chapter 3

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Jenna's POV:

Today was kinda weird. That one time in the cafeteria. That was pretty strange. I knew she was staring at me and all but when I looked at her she looked away. That was a bit cute, I admit.

And while I was in the bathroom taking a piss I saw her. Goddamn she looked so pretty even when she looked like she was out of breath. But why was she breathing so hard? Was she running or something?

I shook that thought off and washed my hands. I ignored her and took a last glance at her in the mirror before going out.

And lastly when I bumped into her. Her ass fell to the ground. Her face was serious and she looked like an angry puppy. Cute.


After school I walked down the hall and outside. I then saw Y/n sitting by the fountain. She was staring down her phone. Smiling and laughing. What was she looking at? I got curious and sat beside her.

"Hey, dork. Whatcha watching?" I said to her. Trying to take a peek through her phone but she quickly hides it.

"Why do you care?"

"Oh, come on. Let me see." I said as I tried snatching her phone but she kept pulling away.

"Leave me alone, Jenna." She said, trying to pull me away by one of her hands but I was strong enough to push her hand away and pin her against the ground as I got on top of her. I gripped her palm to the ground. The look on her face made me chuckled as I tried snatching her phone away but still failed.

"What the fuck, Jenna?!" She yelled at me but not loud enough for people to hear it. I then chuckled as I kept her pinned against the ground.

"Let me see what you're watching." I growled. I was getting frustrated and pinned her harder into the ground. She whimpered.

"J-Jenna, stop!" She mumbled.

"I was just watching cute videos of kittens!"


I then released my grip on her palms as I then got off on top of her. I calmed down a little as I looked at her. I then felt bad and realized I might have overreacted. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I get so aggressive?
I need to calm the fuck down.

"I thought you were watching something else."

"Like what? What did you think I was watching? Porn?" She said to me with an angry tone as she rolled her eyes and looked away from me.

"No. I thought you were watching someone else..." Y/n scoffs

"Since when did you start acting like my girlfriend?" She asked me as she raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not! I got curious, alright?"

"Okay, but you didn't have to be that aggressive." She looked at me. I felt my cheeks burned hot.

"You wouldn't tell me."

"Because that was none of your business." And with that, she grabbed her bag and watched her walk away. Shit. What the hell did I just do?


I think this is it for today. I'm pretty tired and it's already past 10 pm.

Hope you really enjoyed this chapter;)

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