Chapter 127

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"Don't be so hard on yourself, Killian."

"This is a guilt I'll have to carry with me until I die."

"No, you really don't have to beat yourself up about it......"

He was just a character in this novel, so he couldn't go against the flow of the story.

The reason he's only seeing all of this now is because I've met the third exception condition, and the flow of the original story has become extremely weak.

It's not just Killian, but probably Cliff and the Duke as well.

So the future is more important.

'From now on, probability, not the flow of the original story, will be the main force holding this world together.'

It's not that I suddenly become the protagonist of this world because all the causality of the original story is gone.

Rather, what's going to happen from now on is that even I, who have read the original story, can't see a single step ahead.

But I am not afraid.

'On the contrary, it means that I can finally create my own life!'

For me, this is the beginning of the main story!

But first, I had to confess everything I hadn't been able to tell Killian.

I wanted to tell him who I was without hiding anything from him anymore, so that he could understand and love me for who I am.

"I know it's late, but I need to tell you something too."

I pulled my hand out of his grasp and placed it on the back of his hand.

And this time, I held his hand tightly.

"I don't know if you've already figured it out, but I– I mean, Edith Riegelhoff......"

"You're Edith Ludwig."

Oh my, look at his face. He said it with a straight face.

"Yeah, well, anyway, I was, uh, abused from a young age in the Riegelhoff family, and all the disgraceful things I did at parties were forced upon me by my father."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"There are two reasons: first, I wasn't sure you and the Ludwigs would accept me if they knew the truth. I was a hostage for the allegiance of the Riegelhoffs, and if they knew I was an empty suit who couldn't fulfill that function......"


Killian looked devastated, for he couldn't refute what I said.

But that mattered little now, because the second reason was more important and harder to explain.

"And the second reason is......"

I'd been wondering until this moment if I should reveal my truth, and if so, how I should explain it.


His head snapped up, as if he was surprised to be called out so abruptly.

"Do you, by any chance, believe in the supernatural?"

"Why are you asking me that out of the blue?"

"Because that's the second reason I haven't told you everything about myself."

"Tell me so I can understand."

I took a deep breath. "I have all of Edith's memories, and at the same time...... I have the memories of a human named Choi Soo-na."

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