Chapter 98: My Brother, I Apologize

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Chapter 98: My Brother, I Apologize

Nan Zhi was fully aware of how undeserving Lin Qiu Wu was - a man of singular devotion, yet so capricious.

How many lovers had he taken besides Nan Zhi?

Time and again, he tried to convince himself to abandon Lin Qiu Wu, to let go of the Alpha who captivated him at first glance. Still, he harbored the hope that perhaps, just maybe, the man would grow a little fonder of him the next day.

He even went to great lengths to bear Lin Qiu Wu's child, deluding himself into thinking he was the protagonist of some drama, hoping the shared bond would draw the Alpha's attention.

But how could fantasies ever align with reality? His machinations only deepened Lin Qiu Wu's distaste for him. Even their son, Lin Yun Jian, was deprived of an Alpha's paternal love because he had an Omega father like Nan Zhi.


Perhaps sensing his Omega father's dejection, Lin Yun Jian placed a hand on his face, calling out softly.

Nan Zhi tenderly kissed the hand, comforting the young Alpha.

Subconsciously, Nan Yi moved a bit closer towards Nan Zhi.

His heart ached for Nan Zhi at that moment.

"You should leave; it's getting late. Jian Jian needs to sleep."

Nan Zhi didn't look towards Nan Yi. With his back to him, Nan Zhi's voice held a tremble. Nan Yi knew he was crying.

"Daddy... good... boy."

The young alpha, having only recently learned a few words, frantically rubbed his little hand against his face.

Nan Yi noticed the glistening tear on the child's hand.

Nan Yi was silent for a few seconds. As the person on the bed began to quiver, he started to turn away.

The hospital room door closed with a "click."

"Brother, I'm sorry."

The faint, choked-up voice made Nan Yi halt in his steps.

He wasn't sure what Nan Zhi was apologizing for: not calling for help when he saw him nearly drown at the age of seven, or the years of harsh words between them.

Nan Yi remained still but silent. He wasn't a saint or an exceptionally forgiving person. He could never truly harbor resentment towards Nan Zhi, but he also couldn't bring himself to utter words of assurance.

"What happened?"

He Yushen, who had been waiting outside, approached quickly upon hearing the door. The moment his hand touched Nan Yi, he sensed the tension in his back.

"Did he say something to you?"

The alpha's gaze was as cold as a blade, sweeping over Nan Zhi on the bed.

The person with their back to the room's door held the small alpha tightly in their arms. Their slender body, reminiscent of Nan Yi's frailty, trembled.

"No, he gave me the deed to the house; we're going back," responded the other.

Nan Yi spoke softly, yet there was a stifled quality to their tone.

The pleasure expected from the address 'brother' and the subsequent apology was absent, only making their mood heavier.

"Are you really alright? You promised not to hide anything from me," they pressed further.

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