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Five minutes of sleep. That's all I ask for. That's all I literally need. Five minutes of sleep with no crying, no drools, and definitely no dirty diapers.

"Jungkook!" I open my eyes and sigh.

Getting up from the green dinosaur children's play mat, I make my way out the room and downstairs to the hurricane my children call fun.

Han running around playing catch with taehyung while lisa was in his arms, giggling and drooling on his pink bip that said / daddy and yes, I specifically bought that bip because
Taehyung got han the /
mommy t-shirt.

Had to find a way to even things out.
Taehyung stopped and looked at me.

His forehead is sweaty with all the playing but he loves it. His brown had this shine and I was afraid that
one day it won't be there. I don't care, I will never let that happen no matter what..

Running towards them, I grabbed han and picked him up, kissing on his cheek as taehyung tried to catch his breath. His giggles were the most satisfying sound in the world.

he said, "Where were you?" Kissing his cheek, answered "Hiding,"

I tackle han in the touch and started ticking on his ribs

"from this ticklish dinosaur!"


I smiled watching Jungkook play
with han..

I still can't believe how jungkook has changed in the past year.

I remember him being angry at everything - at me and the world. but now, there's nothing but love and happiness in his eyes.

The fact this beautiful man has a lot of love in his heart, makes me almost cry every night. The courage to love a child who's not his own and the courage to love a man who's been through things that he still can't talk about... it's unreal, his strength.

I've begun therapy. Jungkook's idea.. Sometimes I'd cry in front of the therapist and sometimes I'd hold it in till I get home to him and make him hold me till I'm better- till
the pain in my chest soothes a little.

He tried getting me therapy before but the reason I agreed to it now was because of my children.

I don't want them to grow up and have memories of their mother crying at his pain, I don't want them to have memories of their father consoling him no matter how tired he was.

And because of me, I don't want them growing up thinking that I never loved them enough because I couldn't face my fears and weaknesses.

I still get panic attacks and sleep paralysis, but he's always there for me.

He somehow knows when I'm
having a nightmare, he'll hold me and whisper sweet things in my ear to calm my body down if we're in public and I'm shaking,

he'll take my hand and take me to a quieter place and hold me-no matter for how long-till I calm down.

He is my calm, my freedom, my happiness. He's my whole life.

His children and my life. The old taehyung inside of me is weeping with happiness as he has just found his light at the end of his dark tunnel.

A light that's so beautiful overwhelms my heart. every night I sleep, I hold him against me because I'm afraid that when I wake, this will all be just a dream and I'l still be in that abusive house, thinking every second to end myself with the blade that was taped behind the broken nightstand of my room.

I didn't recognize I was staring until he took lisa from my arms. He asks
"Where did I lose you?"

I smile and whisper "You didn't." He smiles back and kisses me as I get emotional over the smallest things.

Han wraps his arms around my leg but jungkook still doesn't pull away from the kiss.

I couldn't move. I couldn't

I laid on our bed in this utterly dark room. My only source of light was the moon outside the thin white curtains that were pushed apart.

I could move my eyes and as I did, jungkook was sleeping peacefully beside me .

In my head, I screamed at jungkook to wake me up but he didn't listen. He couldn't listen.

He hovers over me. His chin
silver chain coming in contact with my chest and my breast aches in fear.

That's when I realized, I was naked. My breathing only coming out in harsh panting through my nose. He didn't have a shirt on but I don't about his pants.

Were they off or just unbuttoned? Were they pooled around his legs or
not? It made me crazy to the verge of crying.

But I couldn't cry. It was like I didn't have the freedom to cry anymore but tears did trail down to the sides of my eyes and into my ear.

I couldn't even flinch to the coldness of it. He says "Oh, taehyung. This is my favorite part, you know? When you're all stiff and your back hurts, I can do anything I want to you. Hurt you, fuck you, hurt you even more. I can do everything I want."

His head dipped and he trailed his nose up and down on the side of my neck and I clenched my eyes, crying, begging somebody to move me from under him.

He whispers in my ear "Even if I'm in jail, I own every inch of you, kim taehyung ."

I clenched my eyes crying with my jaw shut tight and suddenly I hear muffled Bounds in my ear "Come back to me. I'm here. Come back to me, my love."

That sweet VOICE sent shivers down my spine.

I opened my eyes to his lips on my ear as he whispered again and again "Come back to me, taehyung."

I gained control of my body again and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, pulling him down on me and crying in his shoulders.

My lips pressed against his bare warm skin to the point, my cries are muffled.

He whispers sweetly in my ear "I'm here with you. There is no one else. Just you and I. That's it." He pulls back and looks at me.

His eyes were red with sleep but he still whispered "You and I, taehyung, against the world. Just you and I." He wiped away the tear with his thumb and planted his lips on mine,
assuring me that this is real.

That he is real. That I am safe.
My body is exhausted to the point sleep is slowly taking over me.

When he moves off me, I whimper with my eyes closed and reach my hand out for him. But he pulls me close against him, tightly wrapping his arms around me, silently telling me that he will never let me go.

I mumbled almost sleeping "I'm sorry."

But he pulls me closer, kisses my brow, and says

"Go to sleep. I'm right here to protect you from everything, I promise. Go to sleep."


( END )



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