chapter twenty one (m)

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Damian was angry. Very angry. He got to know many things on a single day and now he is just trying his best not to kill someone on his patrol day.

Series of things happened with him and he- like a good boy he tries to solve them. The first thing was about those new people who joined there school. They are fucking bullies who bullied his babydoll! She went on telling him about the things which happened with her and how they framed her for nonexistent things.

She went on telling him, how they got physical with her and did not like her presence when she provided them with clothes, assignments, planned trips, accessories and what not. They were blinded by, Lila's lies and kept on listening to her like good sheeps they were. Mari told him that she also confronted Lila, about his matter and she just simply said, "she always says what others like to hear, and if she doesn't follow her like the other minions- then she will make her life living hell."

Which she did.

Marinette, multiple times complained about this to her teachers and the principal but they ignored it. And did not even see the camera footage, where it was clearly shown how Marinette was the one getting bullied, not visa-versa.

And during this all-

there was adrien. Marinette was very honest with him and told him that this was her second relationship. She did date adrien but it never got anything more than that. They never really kissed. He was lacking a backbone. Even though, he knew about Lila's lies he always told her to take the high road. And that her lies weren't hurting anyone.

Now back to Damian-

He was fuming. Not only that, on the dinner table it was revealed to him that, Bruce was the one sponsoring the trip. He was about to latch on him, with anger. But controlled himself, when he remembered that, Marinette told him to think about her when he is angry.

He was also angry with this adrien dude. He had the audacity to make his habibti, cry over a doofus like him. Damian was sure he was much more better than him and can make Marinette feel the way adrien bitch could never make her feel.

Marinette was his and only his. If she was hurt by those good for nothing people, who are basically waste on this land, he was also hurt.

Damian was jealous, very jealous when Marinette told him how she was so obsessed with adrien. Why was she not like that, with him? He was angry at adrien. He wants her to ask him where he goes, who he talks to, who will he going to meet.

Why doesn't Marinette ask him questions like that? Damian being a boyfriend, wants to be very respectful and kind towards his lover. But whenever Marinette comes close to him, he just wants to cage her. Let her know that he is always there. He wants to kiss her, suck her boobs, eat her out and then make love with her. He wants to do it. He wants worship, her body, her lips, eyes, skin, her voice, her overall existence is flawless.

He wants all of her birthdays, her bad days, her good days. He wants to stay with her all the time and never let her go.

So, as a good boyfriend, and a good future husband he planned- to make a joke out of all these bitches and make his baby happy and let his family meet this ball of sunshine.


It was finally Friday and Marinette was beat to death. She wanted to rest now. A lot of things happened in past week. First She was very busy with the café work, and then there was Lila. She was trying her best to get into Damian's pants. Jon kept on making videos were Damian always roasted that brown haired Italian girl and Marinette giggled. But again Lila did not have any shame at all.

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