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OCTOBER 9, 2021

YURI glanced at her reflection in the full-length mirror, dissatisfied with her attire yet again. "She changed again?" Rhylee's voice echoed through the phone while talking to Brooklyn.

"Yup." Brooklyn replied, shaking her head. "It's not my fault!" Yuri exclaimed, rummaging through her closet. She randomly chose something picking a red satin dress with a slit. "I like that, put on the gold or black heels." Brooklyn suggested.

Kash said he was coming at 7 and Yuri been getting ready since 5 and she still wasn't ready. Her hair had been styled into medium knotless braids, freshly done the day before.

"She want to look good for Kash." Rhylee teased, but Yuri frowned in response. "No I don't it's not even a date. I just want to look good." Yuri responded and Brooklyn and Rhylee hummed.

"The red is too much. I don't like that." Yuri slipped the dress off her body keeping on the black strap up stiletto heels. "Tell me if she actually make it out the door." Rhylee remarked, making Brooklyn laugh before ending the call.

Yuri slipped the black satin dress over her body, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her lips pushing to the side, making Brooklyn huff knowing she was about to change again

As knocks echoed through the front door, Yuri huffed . She wasn't even done getting ready, "I'm not going." Yuri crossed her arms over her chest. Brooklyn rolled her eyes.

"Girl if you don't take yo ass to that door. You look good Yuri stop it." Brooklyn told her best friend, Yuri huffed because she was so serious about not going but she made him come all this way so she was going to go.

Yuri heels clicked against the floor as she made her way to the front door. She opened it, seeing Kash standing there he licked his lips once he seen Yuri. "Why didn't you tell me?" Yuri frowned seeing what he was wearing.

He was in cargo pants, a black hoodie, and a pair of off-white Jordan 4s on his feet. She felt overdressed. "Tell you what?" He asked his eyebrow raising up.

"I'm going to change." Yuri turned on her heels but Kash grabbed her arm to stop her. "You don't need to change I would've told you if you did." He stated honestly

Yuri frowned, "Kash just let—" Yuri started but was interrupted by Kash, "Yuri." Yuri felt annoyed now as she followed behind Kash down the stairs and out of the building.

Kash opened the passenger car door for Yuri and extended his hand to assist her into the black Hellcat. "Thank you," Yuri murmured as the car door closed, her eyes scanning the car interior.

Everything was so neat and clean. It smelled good too, it smelled like vanilla. Kash got into the driver's seat closing the door. He put the car in drive before speeding off. Yuri stared at him as he held the wheel with one hand, his other hand holding his phone that sat in his lap.

Yuri rubbed her lip glossed covered lips together, "You look like you want to say some." Kash said as they stopped at a red light. He glanced over at her his eyes staring into hers. Yuri shifted in her seat at his intense gaze.

"You mad cause I wouldn't let you change?" Kashton asked, shifting his gaze from her back to the road. As the light turned green, he pressed his foot against the gas.

"I kinda am actually, I feel overdressed." Yuri said, "You look beautiful though, you not gon be the only one wearing a dress, love."Yuri felt a flutter in her stomach; he had just called her "beautiful" and "love" in the same sentence. She dismissed the feeling, "he probably call every girl love or beautiful" Yuri thought.

As they finally reached their destination Yuri looked out of the slightly tinted windows observing people gathered in front of the building labeled "Fortae." Some were engaged in conversation, holding drinks, while others were without, yet everyone wore a smile. Yuri lived in Houston her whole life and she's never been this way.

Kash opened the car door to allow her to step out, and Yuri carefully slid her legs out, adjusting her dress before stepping onto the pavement. Kash closed the door behind her and locked the doors.

Yuri observed her surroundings, observing the building marked with the name "Fortae" at the top and the glow of the streetlights illuminating the block.

Yuri felt her hand being grabbed, Kash laced their fingers as they moved through the crowd. Her stomach fluttered again but she reminded her self it wasn't a date, he was just being nice.

They descended down a few steps before entering the building, it was definitely low key like Kash said.

There were just as many people inside as there were outside the place. Yuri's eyes lit up as she took in the scenery. The walls adorned with unique paintings and drawings, framed elegantly, caught her attention. Mannequins were posed in a certain way with a piece of clothing on them. Yuri loved this, it was just her scene.

"It's so pretty in here! Look!" Yuri excitedly pulled him toward a specific painting she spotted—an abstract art piece where different colors formed into the shape of a person. Yuri thought it was cute, she never seen anything like it before.

Yuri looked back at Kash who was already staring at her, he licked his lips and her stomach fluttered again.

"You want a drink?" Kash asked and Yuri shook her head no looking way from him. "Let's go over there." she suggested, pointing toward the mannequins. Their hands remained intertwined, so Yuri gently tugged him in that direction.

"Can I touch them?" Yuri asked, and Kash nodded in response. Yuri pressed her lips together, adding, "Are you sure Kash? I don't want to go to jail." Kashton laughed his braces showing as he did. Yuri's stomach fluttered.

"Touch the mannequin Yuri." Yuri looked away from trying to gather her self she hasn't been single for long but she was acting real thirsty over someone she wasn't even on a date with she had to calm herself.


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