Thank You and Happy New Year!

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It's 2024. 

Just over a year and a half since back in June 2022 when this profile was officially launched into Project Athena. Our target audience has always been to try and find hidden gems of stories from smaller, growing authors who may find it difficult to break out and find readers when they're new to the platform, and to help them improve those stories to something better. 

That audience has grown to well over a thousand people at this point, and we'll keep building on it to try to reach as many authors as we can. None of this however would have been possible without the members of Team Athena, a small group of people working tirelessly behind the scenes to build this community into what it is today. 

So major thanks to:

Nadia (SardonicBeauty), Ana (TypedInk}, RJ (NimicSiVid), Emily (OutOfMyImagination), Carmi (Read-aholic2006), Amethyst (_lapisqueen_), Roses(Rain_dropsand_roses), Emmanuel (Denyefa4), Lizzy(MsOnirique), and the recently joined Moni (MoniTheTigerEmpress).

Some have left, and a few haven't been mentioned for one reason or another, but they all played a part. Your passion, creativity, and generosity have made a significant impact on Wattpad as a whole. 

Feel free to check out these people's profiles and support them any way you can, or just give them a thank you.

Finally, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the members of our Project Athena community. Without your continued support, enthusiasm, and active participation in our activities, we would not have achieved the growth and success that we have experienced over the past few months.

As we step into the new year, our commitment to nurturing emerging authors and celebrating the power of storytelling remains unwavering. We will continue to evolve and improve Project Athena, focusing on expanding our reach, providing valuable resources, and fostering a supportive community where writers can thrive.

As we bid farewell to another year filled with memories and lessons, let us welcome the New Year with open hearts and renewed hope. May this coming year bring forth new opportunities, cherished moments, and abundant joy. Let us embrace the unknown with courage, embrace each other with love, and embark on this journey together, hand in hand. Here's to a year filled with endless possibilities and the courage to chase our dreams. 

Thank You and Happy New Year!

All the best, Haize.

Note: We have a Discord server you can join: a safe and welcoming space where writers can connect, share their stories, and support each other in their creative journeys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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