105. I Was Just Trying To Protect Her

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"Yeah?" Adam squared his shoulders before approaching Mateo, who was at the end of the corridors, by the window, looking down at the garden where he had spent a lot of his time recovering from his bullet wound an year ago.

"Did you hear what River said?" Mateo did not take his eyes off the downstairs view.

"Um.. no." Adam didn't want to know what River had said.

He did not know where Alessia and he stood.

Yes, they kissed.

Yes, they made out.

Yes, they ended up doing the dirty.

But then they found out that River was rushed back into the ICU, and then they had been busy taking turns taking care of the kids while Mateo was wallowing away in fear, sadness and anger.

Michelia and Leonardo had visited once, but that was when River was still in the ICU. The couple had joined hands with the Americans and Russians and they were combing through all possible enemies that could want the Mafia down.

A common enemy. They were looking for a common enemy and it was a pretty tricky situation because the whole of the underworld was divided into two groups, some taking the Italian's side and the others' Russian. Of course, there could be some rat in them who want to get to the top of the food chain but the possibility that they would fight the personal way was pretty slim.

Whatever be it, the fact remained that the bad guy in this story needed to be caught. And they were going to find them as fast as possible.

"She said something about wedding bells."

Fuck. Adam cursed inside. The couple had caught up to it already? Were they that bad at acting? The duo had not decided that they would keep it a secret and act like nothing happened but it seemed like an unspoken pact as soon as they reached the waiting area outside the ICU. But to think that they would be caught this fast...

"Do you think she is hinting that I should propose?"

Adam raised a brow. This was not the conversation that he thought the two of them would be having.

Of course he was glad that they had not be caught yet. To be honest, he didn't even know where this relationship between him and Alessia were going. So he didn't know what he was supposed to tell Mateo if he asked.

Also, he did not think Leonardo and Mateo would be too happy with him dating Alessia if it got there.

"I don't know Mateo." Adam was kinda sure that River was probably making fun of Alessia but Mateo didn't need to know that. Right? But will River keep it a secret from him? Probably not. "I don't think River will have marriage in mind right now with all that's been going on."

"You think?" Mateo scratched his head. The Sicilian Capo was confused. He was used to River calling him her husband so when she introduced him to one of her nurse friends as her husband, he didn't think much into it. But then she was talking about being pregnant and how much she missed being pregnant. And then she was talking about wedding bells.

He couldn't have been just hearing things, now could he?

"Ahhh brother..." Adam grinned, back to his usual immature mode. "You both are endgame. It's obvious. The hero and heroine of the story has to end up together. That's the law. Don't overthink it. Do it in your own pace and you will know when the right time will be."

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