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Ch. 15

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"In our morning news, there have been more outbursts occurring in our city."

With my phone pressed against my ear, I stared at my TV screen. The two daily broadcasters, dressed in matching suits, smile at their camera. The smile wouldn't match the mayhem that'd occurred over the past three days. My attempt at warning the city was a failure. Rather than respect each other, protect loved ones, and hide, the opposite happened. Groups burned buildings, flipped over cars, and pillaged storefronts. Civil unrest hadn't been my intention; Daniel was someone grinning in his seat, savoring the world's reaction.

"In today's developments, the latest protest called for government involvement in the matter concerning androids. For years, our world leaders have left the advancement of AI technology in Lyons' hands, as they are the creators of the Personals and machines we all know today."

"Are you hearing this crap?" Katherine's voice echoed in my ear. I focused on the video playing on the screen. The day's protest had been recorded and circulated on the internet within minutes. It only took the news a few hours to get their hands on it. The way it was cropped, only showing the group's speaking and shouting at the streets, made me feel like it wasn't the original. There had to be other people there, right? Why were they cut out?

"Yup, I'm watching it now." I passed my hand over my neck.

"The people today claim the government should call the army to flood the streets, to bring order. They said 'The world is ending tomorrow.'"

I closed my eyes. Oh, the 'Doom and Gloom' wouldn't call it quits. I knew violence and rag spoke louder than peace; it was the main reason why I knew I had to match Daniel's energy.

Katherine sighed. "I haven't gotten an update on Frank. How is he? Have you heard when he'll be able to come back to work?"

"The nurse said a week." I reached for my TV's remote. "Vicky said a few days."

"That's the same thing, isn't it?" Katherine said.

"Ah, well, yeah, more or less."

The video depicting the day's protest slipped away and the news broadcasters became focus once again. The man on the right passed his hands through his blond hair before smiling at the camera. His partner seemed distracted. Still, they continued. "We've gotten alerts that our group from today, now known as 'Acceptance' is planning another protest in front of Lyons, who they deem responsible for the terror in the streets."

Oh, did they have a new name? I had gotten used to the one I gave them. Doom and Gloom was fitting.

"They say it is the fault of Lyons for building their enemy. If androids had never been made, the threat of war wouldn't loom over our heads today."

I snorted and shook the remote at the TV. "If androids were never made, the world would've ended forty years ago. Did they forget nearly starving to death until machines took over farms?"

"I think they did," Katherine slightly laughed. What I said was funny, but did she remember? Not saying she's old or anything. "By the way, are the new android parts helping? Build any more 800s?"

"Oh, it's good." I turned off the TV because I was tired of listening. "Logan's downstairs working on it now."

She paused for a moment. "Logan? Are you sure?"

Was I? I had thought about it. I knew he was reckless and never thought through his decisions. Yet, where we were now, I needed someone who didn't overthink—or think at all, really. He produced. He and the small team he'd gathered in the Bridge built and uploaded data into ten new 800 series androids. The new machines were ready and listening to every order, training with Reggie for basic combat. In three days, he did more than I did in nearly five months. Or was it six?

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