Innocence - Sohee

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If you had to describe your boyfriend with one word it would be innocent. At first you really thought it was just an act, but after dating for six months he still hadn't broken character and then you really started to realise just how inexperienced he was.

This wasn't your first relationship but it was his, and something about being his first everything made you love him even more. However, he was so oblivious to all the hints you gave him.

You guys were watching a Netflix show when an unexpected sex scene popped up on the screen. Sohee wasn't exactly the freaky type, typically he avoided all conversation about intimacy. Maybe it was because he was embarrassed or nervous, you didn't know.

As the scene progressed you side eyed him noticing his breathing rate slowly increasing, his adams apple bobbed up and down as he nervously gulped at the sight in front of him.

You loved teasing him as you thought his reactions were so cute. Carefully, you placed your small hand on his thigh and slowly started moving it up and down. This earned an alarmed look from Sohee as he innocently turned his head towards you which you payed no mind to. He was shocked at your calm demeanour considering the fact that your hand was still rubbing his thigh.

Abruptly, you removed your hand which left him wanting more. Even though he would never admit it, he would often find himself fantasising about you and him doing 'things' together but he knew he would never act on them as he wanted you to set the pace in your relationship.

After a while you got bored and decided to go get a snack from the kitchen "I'll be back." You reassured your boyfriend, slightly brushing your hand over his shoulder for a second as you walked away.

Secretly your touch drove him crazy. "Okay." He mumbled back as he felt his body heating up.

After ten minutes of soullessly staring into your pantry deciding what you wanted to snack on, you heard quiet shuffles behind you.

Sohee pressed up against you and wrapped his arms around your smaller figure. Leisurely, he started giving you small Kisses that ran down your neck.

This burst of confidence sprung out of nowhere as he started slowly sucking on your neck. "Babe what are you doing?" You awkwardly questioned him as you brought your hand to his warm cheek. It's not like you didn't like what he was doing, you could literally feel his dick on your back and it was just shocking.

Your question snapped him out of his daze as he stuttered out "uhm- I." Before he could complete his sentence the doorbell rang.

He had briefly mentioned his members were coming over but the two of you had clearly forgotten. He released his grip on you as he dragged his feet to the door to greet his members.

As he turned around he gave you an unfamiliar look, like he wanted something. Or someone. You.

Sorry this is very short.

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