Copy of me 🧸🍼🌡️

370 11 2

Sickie/little🍼🌡️: Felix
Little🍼: Hyunjin
Caregivers: Stray kids
753 words

Author POV
DanceRACHA were busy at the dance studio to fix up some messy parts in their new dance they had to learn. All the members know that Hyunjin is a little but Felix was secretly a little too, he was too nervous and he was scared of being judged so he kept to himself

While they were dancing, Hyunjin get tired and was about to slip but remembered they were still working so he drinks a couple sips of water

"Jinnie, you can slip. Me and Felix can take care of you" Minho offers. Of course, Hyunjin couldn't let up that offer up and slips into his headspace. He smiles his silly smile "Daddy!!!" Hyunjin reaches his arms up to Minho and Minho smiles while picking up his dramatic baby

The sight makes Felix's head feel pretty fuzzy but he pushes it aside, scared that they will will judge him and kick him out

As Minho takes care of Hyunjin, Felix can't take it anymore. His head goes completely fuzzy and when he's little, he often slips to a very young headspace. Felix looks around, confused about his surroundings.

Hyunjin looks at Felix and sees how he looks confused, Hyunjin is often a bratty little. "Where I ish?..." Felix mumbles to himself

Hyunjin hears that is angered, he jumps down from his caregivers arms "Hey! You try steal attention from me!!" Hyunjin accuses Felix, Felix looks so confused and out of it "Huh?..."he mumbles

Minho sees this going down "Jinnie, why are you angry?" He asks, trying to calm the yelling Hyunjin down

"You nuh little!! Only I ish little! You such attention seeker!" Hyunjin yells at Felix, he looks so sad and heartbroken. Tears sprang to Felix's eyes and Minho sees the tears "Felix....are you-..are you little like hyun?" "N-nuh! I n...I nuh wittle..." Felix tries to disagree but Minho hears the adorable little lisp

Hyunjin screams, hating how he doesn't have attention. Minho is surprised to say the least "Hwang Hyunjin!!" Minho scolds, Hyunjin continues screaming and he stomps his feet

Minho calls Chan and a few other members over, not powerful enough to take care of the brat

Time skip

When Chan gets there, he is so surprised by what he is seeing. Hyunjin is screaming and tears are flowing down his face as he throws a tantrum

Chan doesn't go over to Hyunjin, he goes over to Felix. Felix looks so confused and he is in too young of a headspace to understand what's happening. "Hey lixie....your little aren't you? And so confused I bet..." Chan says, Felix looks at him I confusion. Not understanding a word he just said

"Aw, so little" Chan coos, Minho, Seungmin, and Jisung are calming down the hot tempered Hyunjin as everyone else watches in surprise

Soon enough, Felix is in Chan's arms and he is nuzzled so close to the older. Chan loves the closeness and keeps Felix near him. Felix is just babbling on and on while Chan listens, Chan is sucked into the littles adorableness and cuteness

When Hyunjin is calm, Minho comes over to Felix and smiles "Hey, so little aren't you? Sorry about the drama king over there" Minho coos too

Felix is still confused but, he feels comfortable around the two eldest of the group. Felix keeps babbling to the two and tangles the hoodie string on Chan's hoodie into his hand. Hyunjin wore himself out, he's resting on Seungmin as Jisung gives him a tiny scolding on why he shouldn't have lashed out

About 10 minutes later, both littles are asleep. The other 6 members take them back to the dorm since they feel like that was enough work for today

20 minutes later

The two littles are laying on the couch, Felix is a little cold while he's sleeping so he cuddles up to his only warmth, Hyunjin. This makes Hyunjin awaken slightly and the members look at the both in worry, not wanting another fight to start

Hyunjin slides Felix up so Felix's back is pressed onto Hyunjin's chest and they are cuddling. Hyunjin wraps his long arms around the littles small form and nuzzles his face into the soft hair

They both fall back into a deep sleep with the other 6 caregivers watch them in awe, shocked that they both forgave each other that quickly and that they are pressed so closely together and cuddling

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