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private messages
criss.cross_  || chans.lapt0p

Our children are in loveee

oUr children?

Shut up
Yk what I mean

Yea yea
But wdym

Peter and Ky🥹
I ship them so much

How do you know that they like each other? 🤨

Ky texted me saying that he'll die because of Peter
Peter texted asking if I'm with Kylo
So I asked him


So Kylo likes Peter?

That's literally what I just said 🫥
But yea he does

That's good
Because the other day Peter came crying to me because Kylo mentioned he has a crush
Peter really likes him too

Wait he cried..?
Oh shit

hEy! Watch your language

But back to Petlo


That's their new ship name
I couldn't think of anything better
dOnT jUdGe Me

Okay okay I won't

But we NEED to set them up

I agree
We can do it

You try to talk Peter into confessing and I'll do the same for Kylo

Okay ;)

tHe wInK


Stop itttt


"Jisung can you come to my studio for a bit?" Chan said over the phone

"Yea sure, why?" There was some shuffling on the other end so Chan assumed Jisung was getting ready

"It's umm, it's about Kylo.." The older said and you could hear the rustling stop for a moment. Chan thought he did something wrong until he heard a sigh.

"Okay, I'm coming" Jisung said before ending the call

Chan leaned back on his chair and stared at the ceiling. He thought about how to persuade the younger to  confess. Of course he didn't want to push him or anything, but he thought Jisung looked so much happier when he texted Kylo.

But confessing would mean they needed to go through a lot of things.

Talking to J.Y.P

Telling Kylo about his identity

Long distance

Time difference

Chan was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn't hear the door open.

"Hi Channie" Jisung said as he sat down on the couch.

"Can I get straight to the point?" Chan asked, not being able to wait any longer. The younger one nodded, signalling for Chan to continue.

"Confess to Kylo because he likes you too. I know you'd be happier and less stressed if you talk to him about your feelings.. I can see you smiling at your phone while texting him, I can see you flirting with him in the chat, and I hate seeing you sad because of him. Of course I won't pressure you or anything, but  I think I'd be better for you if you just tell him." Chan finally finished his tiny speech.

Jisung just sat there, letting the olders words sink in.

He was right.

"But what about Stay, and J.Y.P?" Jisung asked looking into the olders eyes.

"Stay will understand and be supportive, as for J.Y.P... I'll talk to him, you know I'm his favourite" Chan playfully winked, trying to lighten the mood. It worked because he heard a small chuckle escape the youngers lips.

"Okay, as you say captain!" Jisung placed his hand to his eyebrow, as if he was in the army. That made Chan laugh.
(a/n it has a specific word but I forgot okay dOnT aTtAcK mE)

"Thank you Channie, good night!" With that, Jisung left the studio.

He returned to his room and pulled his phone out.

private messages
only4hyunjinnie || cheesecak3.4life

Hey Klyo
Uhm, can we talk?


I'm so evil
I think atp I should make a special book for Kylo and Peter

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