🪐Most Valuable Author🪐

246 11 74

This award given will be distributed to one participant in every category who follows other contestants within their genre, completes all the payments, and gain the most points on the games.

This is to foster friendship among contestants, practice discipline, have fun, engage in activities while waiting for the results, as well as to help them find other writers they may enjoy who write in the same genre/s they do.

Those who choose to participate (this is optional) will receive the Most Valuable Author award.

As the host, I would definitely encourage you to interact with and support your fellow contestants. You may make new friends.

You have until the end of the judging period to add up your points.

For those who joined two categories, choose only one category to participate in this awards. Comment the category next to your name.
Comment IN next to your name if you want to join.
Tag the names of the fellow contestants on your picked one category next to your name if you already followed them.
Comment Done plus the emoji 💐 if you supported a participant and tag them.
Example below.


Completed Main Payments: 10 points
Completed Judges Payments: 5 points
Followed Fellow Participants: 1 point each
Points in the games: Depends
Supports to Fellow Participants (May be comments, etc.): 5 points each participants


Grouped based on your favorite flowers (This is just for you to keep track of your points)

If you want to join, please comment your one preferred category next to your username. Also, if you already followed your fellow contestants in the preferred one category. Choose one category of yours only!


@dwarkaratna . 🎨10 + 🍒5

@kmytho (Best Title) . 🎨10 + 🥀5 + 🍒5 + 💐30 + 📚10

@BeautyLovesThatBeast (Best Title). 🎨10 + 🥀17 + 💐50 + 📚8 + 📚 + 📚5

@EnigmaEpic . 🎨10 + 📚9 + 📚 + 📚10

@ArabelaTaylor (Best Prologue) . 🎨10 + 🥀5 + 🍒5 + 📚4 + 📚 + 📚2.5

@Liebeklara . 🎨10

@AlphaSheWolf- (Best First Chapter) . 🎨10 + 🍒5 + 🥀10 +📚 10+ 📚 + 📚10 + 💐25

@avniy1312 . 🎨10

@reindolfwrites .  🎨10


@strawberry1d (Best Banner and Aesthetics) . 🎨10 + 🍒5 + 🥀7+ 💐5

@Ablazeisaleo (Best Writing Style) . 🎨10+🍒5 + 🥀5 + 💐5

@SilverMist707 (Best Writing Style). 🎨10 + 🍒5 + 📚9

@Aravis-Brightspell (Best Blurb). 🎨10 + 📚9 + 📚 + 📚10 + 🍒5 + 🥀4 + 💐10

@IkomaSensei . Pending

@ZenCave . 🎨10


@_Ash_es . 🎨10


@new_erasktaylor . 🎨10 + 🍒5


@Lucandaa (Best Cover) . 🎨10 + 📚10 + 📚 + 📚7 + 🥀5 + 🍒5 + 💐35


@Itshikha . 🎨10


@sunflia2 . 🎨10 + 📚 + 📚 + 📚10

@Abigailk8 . Pending


@lostlovefairy . 🎨10

Cherry Blossom

@aurora_2604 (Best First Chapter) . 🎨10 + 🍒 5 + 🥀4


@Shree_313 . 📚6


@Romantasy_love . 🍒5


@Violetrose3127 . 🎨10


@LORAINEJD . 🎨10+📚10 + 📚10+🥀10 + 💐30 + 🍒5 = 🪐80

LEGEND (Point Marks):

🎨 Main Payments
📚 Games
🥀 Follows
🍒 Judge's Payments
💐 Supports to other Participants

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