Chapter Sixteen: Preparing to Leave

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James Potter was looking around the only manor he had left and sighed as it was his family home.
He would shrink the property and take it with him but would seel the land to the goblins, he had divorced Lily and got full custody of Harry before she was sent to askaban with Dumbledore, Molly Prewett and to no one suprise Severus Snape.
It seemed she had been having an affair with Severus recently, which hurt James, but he dealt with it.
He knew Harry was devastated that he was being used and that no one but James, Sirus, Remus, The older Weasleys, Luna Lovegood, Daphne Greengrass, Neville Longbottom and a few from his house actually truly cared for him.
Ron and Hermione had their magic bound, and then their mind wiped before being sent into the muggle world.
They had got everything they needed for the ritual to go to this new world where his daughter was. He knew she might never forgive him, but he had to try.
He was brought out of his thoughts when Sirus came into the room. He saw the front in his brother in all but blood face.

"What is wrong, Padfoot?"

"Nothing wrong, Prongs, not really. We have several guests downstairs."

That confused James but nodded before leaving the room with Sirus following him.
When he got downstairs thrn to the parlour, where he heard several voices, he entered the room. He saw some people he knew and others he did not.


Everyone else stopped taking when James said that before a girl with almost white hair and blue/grey eyes skipped forward, she had an almost ethereal glow to her and knew this was Luna.

"Hello, Lord Potter. My name is Luna, and I will be coming with you. I have brought a few with me that might be interested."

Luna said then waving her hand at the people with her, James looked then saw Susan Bones, Ameila Bones, Neville Longbottom, Daphne Greengrass and another four people he did not know before the fire place came alive and the remaining Weasleys William, Charlie, Fred and George came through with their partners if they had any.

"You all know?"

They all nodded before Luna walked to the four females he did not know as she was introducing them.

"These ladies wish for a different life than what their families have in store for them. Please let me introduce Pansey Parkinson, Alia Rosier, Emma Wilkinson, and Natalie Rinker."

James just nodded at this young woman before he had everyone sat down then explained what he was doing and what thry suspect they will be going to then about the while multiple partners thing which caused the girls to cheer and the other men to grumble but nodded.

"I intend to focus on Opheila possible home instead of her direct location, I do not want everyone to be forced into a possible confrontation."

Everyone nodded at that, agreeing it was a good plan. He was surprised that Ameila was doing this.

"If what Opheila said was true and the muggles will find out about us then, I want to protect Susan. They would slaughter us, and I did not want that. If I have to get a few men to do that, then great."

James laughed at that but nodded before explaining what they were planning to do and that thry had already drawn the rune circle on a leyline conversion point to power the runes and they would be going within the next few weeks once they were fully charged which gave everyone plenty of time to finish sorting their affairs before leaving this world for good.

Over the next few weeks, they quietly started removing their gold, properties  and anything else including seeds magical and muggle but other food supplies as they did not know what to expect, it could be completely historic for all they knew.
Once everyone had everything they went to the joining leylines and started to prepare the ritual, ot took a few hours to make sure everything was right but they had, just as they were preparing for the spell then suddenly saw four people approaching them, they had their wands at the ready and saw Naccisa Malfoy nèe Black, Draco Malfoy, and two witches with them who they did not regonise.

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