Chapter 58- The Fake Friend

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How long did Markus intend to keep me locked in here? I have been trying to keep my anger in check but so far it has been useless if the disarray of the whole room had anything to say.

" Let me out of here!!" I screamed for the hundredth time but Markus still refused to let me out.

I moved to the window but the height wasn't something I could jump and was I even crazy? I was pregnant for God's sake.

My eyes suddenly caught something.
My bag! Amidst all the struggling, it didn't fall outside. If my bag was here, it meant my phone was also here.

I rushed to it as fast as my pregnancy could let me and I ransacked through the purse and luckily my phone was inside.

Breathing in relief I took it and sat on the floor contemplating who to call. But first I had to call Hardin and make sure that he was okay.

" Jane! Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose my mind, he was just so annoying, I'm sorry I kept you here late." He said as soon as he picked.

" Hardin it's okay, please calm down, are you hurt in any way? I'm so sorry things turned out the way they did," I said to him with remorse, I didn't see anything wrong with hanging out with a friend who had time for me, I just didn't know why Markus was acting like a jealous husband.

" As long as you're okay I feel better, are you sure everything is okay?" He asked me sounding like he knew I was hiding something.

" I'm fine, there's nothing for you to worry about, good night, sorry if I caused you any trouble,"

" You don't need to apologize, good night, have a good night's rest,"

" Bye," I said before ending the call with a sigh. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I was locked in a room and didn't know when I was going to be let out.

Next, I had to call Rena, I am not a prisoner, she had to help me out of here.

" Rena, Rena," I called as soon as she picked up but the response I got made my heart drop.

" Currently not available," It was Markus, he knew I was going to call her.

" Markus, why are you doing this? Please let me out of this room," I tried to reason with him but he just laughed.

" So you can run back to your lover, that's not gonna happen, just so you know, you're going to be staying in that room till you have my child, then you can do whatever you like I don't give a shit." He said, sounding so angry.

" This doesn't make sense, Markus! It was never in the contract to confine me till I give birth or stop me from having friends, what is wrong with you?" I asked him as I slowly stood up from where I sat and made my way to the door to see if there was something I could do to open it.

" Let me out, Markus! this isn't funny anymore,"

" It wasn't meant to be funny, you better save your breath," that was all he said before the line went dead.

" Markus!" I screamed in annoyance and was about to throw my phone to the wall but I stopped myself, it was the only way to communicate outside this wall.

Feeling already tired I walked to the bed and collapsed in exhaustion as sleep took me.

The next morning I was awoken by the sound of the door. Did he finally decide to let me out?

" Markus, this is wrong I…" I stopped myself when I realized it wasn't Markus but his girlfriend, what did she want?

" Hi friend, remember I said we were supposed to go shopping together? Well if you're not busy we can go, what do you think?" What was going on? I narrowed my eyes at her like she had grown two heads, didn't she know Markus locked me in here?

" Well except you are busy, I can just go,"

" No!" Okay, that was a little too much, but I would take any opportunity to get out of here ...." I'm not busy, we can go,"

" Well that's fine, let's go," she didn't need to tell me twice, I picked up my bag and followed her out of the room breathing in relief. I guess Markus has gone to work, or else the whole house would be shaking because of his temper and angry voice.

" So there's this dress I ordered online but it's from Paris and it's going to take a lot of time to get to the States so that'll why I'm personally going to shop for a dress, I didn't see any dress that fits my standards from my last shopping," I was already near a headache, she had not stopped talking since we got into this car.

Finally. I thought to myself as we parked in front of the mall, but as I recognized which mall it was I couldn't help but frown, it was the same mall Markus and I came for baby shopping. I pushed that memory aside as Sofia and I entered the mall.

As soon as we stepped in, the manager, if I could remember clearly, rushed to me with a smile.

" Mrs Arthur, I'm so glad to see you here," Everyone thought I was married to him and I was tired of telling them we weren't married but my pregnancy always got them looking at me.

" Excuse me, she's not Mrs Arthur, don't make that mistake again," Sofia said seeming very displeased that I was referred to as Mrs Arthur. The manager looked at my stomach and then Sofia's, but she didn't say anything, she just led the way and we followed.

" So what do you think of this red dress?" Markus's girlfriend asked as she held a red dress in front of her.

" It's nice,"

" No, I don't think so, I'll try another one," I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Why ask me when you clearly know that you wouldn't even consider my opinion?

" I want my first date with Markus to be perfect, I want to look like a princess, his princess," She said looking up with a wistful look in her eyes, well if the Markus I know was the same person she was thinking about, I just wonder what he was doing to her that she already has that love-struck look just thinking about him. Perhaps I was the only person who he didn't care about? Well except the fact that I was carrying his child.

" I think I'll go with this black, it's just perfect." Not like she cared if I told her that dress made her look like a witch.

After shopping for all she needed, well she shopped while I watched and she kept asking for my opinion that she didn't care about. We paid as we began making our way towards the exit.

" Well well, I didn't know you were this famous," Markus's girlfriend suddenly said and I turned to her in confusion, what was she talking about?

" What do you mean?" I asked.

" Take a look at this," She said as she handed me her phone, and what I saw made my eyes go round in shock.

It was a picture of me and Hardin but that wasn't what surprised me the most, no. It was the headline.

Oh No.

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