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When Brady texted me that he was on his way, I grabbed my costume stuff before changing out of my hoodie and pulling on a black shirt.

Then I grabbed my phone and charger and went downstairs, sitting in the lobby of the hotel while I waited for him.


45 minutes later his slow driving ass told me he was here, so I headed outside and got into the passenger seat, his mom having sat in the back earlier.

"Phone." I held my hand out to Brady and he handed me his phone. I put his Bruno Mars playlist on the Bluetooth and he started driving.


As soon as I got inside the Noon house, Connor was on me, hugging me like he hadn't seen me in a million years.

"Hi Connor" I laughed, hugging him back as Brady rolled his eyes at his brother, grinning as he handed his mom her keys.

"Hi Delphi, I'm these weirdos' mom. You can call me whatever you like." Mrs. Noon smiled.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Noon." I smile back, Brady grinning at me from behind his mom.

"I'm going out to run errands, the boys' dad will be back soon, my daughter is at collage, and I'm leaving you in charge." Mrs. Noon listed. "You're responsible, right?"

"More than those two, yes." I nodded, laughing slightly.

"Funny and pretty, you take after your dad." She winked at me.

"Ew, mom, don't express your crush on Delphi's dad to Delphi." Connor groaned.

"What he said." I say, gagging internally.

"Oh relax, you're very pretty Delphi." Mrs. Noon told me again, making me smile.

"So are you." I tell her. "It didn't pass on to your twin idiots."

"Dude." Connor and Brady protested.

"You're right about that." Mrs. Noon said to me.

"DUDE!" Brady and Connor protested again, their arms up in a questioning manner.

"Oh stop complaining." Their mom waved them off. "Kisses, kisses, bye."

She left the house, and Connor started laughing, making Brady and I laugh with him.

"Come on, let's go watch a movie or something until it gets a bit later." Brady suggested since it was still fairly early.

We headed up the stairs, me entering Brady's room first and seeing their black cat- Shadow- stretching his little legs out on Brady's carpet.

Don't judge his name, they named him when they were 9. This cat is 6 years old.

I immediately ran over to Brady's carpet and sat down beside Shadow, then letting the cat sniff me.

Once he started rubbing his head against my hand, I picked him up and held him as I pet him, his purrs echoing in my ear as Brady started the movie.

RiptideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora