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2023-11-10 Author: Shang Lu

  Chapter 32 Escape

  From the backyard apron, zombies poured in continuously from the gap. Everyone was shooting zombies while boarding the plane.

  Herbert was completely excluded from the back of the team, and everyone was wary of him, fearing that he would be pushed out the next second.

  In critical moments, those who lose trust are the most miserable.

  It wasn't until Su You arrived and the helicopter took off that he realized that two people were missing.

  She had a good memory, and when she lowered her head, she saw two of Serena's classmates transformed into infected people through the plane glass, their bodies broken, screaming at the rising helicopter among the zombies.

  Seeing the flesh and blood of living people fleeing from before their eyes, their faces were twisted and hateful, and they wanted to pounce on the living people and tear them apart.

  But as the helicopter took off and flew to a position beyond their reach, the group of zombies finally chose to give up, leave the area, and dispersed in other directions on the island.

  Soon, different screams came from all directions of the island.

  Following the breath of flesh and blood, this group of living dead attacked every house crazily. Some old, weak, women and children who were unable to resist were unprepared. The zombies who were not afraid of pain and fatigue broke through the doors and windows, and the first wave of fall began.

  With this terrifying transformation speed, more and more zombies began to appear, and terrifying sounds echoed through the dark night.

  With a huge roar, the helicopter flew over most of the small islands in the lake. The shelter that originally had a natural barrier was officially occupied.

  The rescued people in the helicopter looked at this tragic scene. Everyone said nothing, only their trembling bodies hinted at their inner fear and excitement about escaping.

  Through the plane window, they saw the streets and buildings below.

  The street lights were dimly lit, and it was obvious that many cars had been damaged due to collisions. Various cars were randomly abandoned on the spot, blocking the main road.

  In the silent night, there was no sound, no living person appeared, only a group of silent zombies wandering in the darkness of the street.

  Many buildings on the ground had thick black smoke coming out of their windows.

  Occasionally, there are the roars of zombies, and groups of stiff-bodied infected people are reflected in the windows.

  There may be a few survivors hiding in buildings, but they are destined to be unable to sleep peacefully on the night when the city falls.

  The people on the helicopter felt confused and sad when they saw these tragic images.

  Faced with this hellish scene, even if this group of people could escape and live in a safe shelter, they would still be left with huge mental trauma, and they would have nightmares about monsters filling the entire city every night.

  "Call, call! This is the Snow City Troop Rescue Center. Please answer B1273. Please answer B1273!" "

  Received, received. This is B1273. Please give instructions from the tower!"

  "Leaving Snow City, personnel are needed. Check. Repeat, personnel inspection is required when leaving the city. Please stop at the refugee resettlement center outside the city, otherwise our army will take measures to shoot down." "

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