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chapter twenty four (xxiv) : I give you permission

a sudden chill ran down his spine as Aether's cold hands touched him, he suddenly looked up towards him with a mixture of anger and sadness. all he could remember was the words 'she's gone' and he couldn't believe it. he couldnt believe that the one person who meant the most to him was now taken from him. it was too much for him to handle and he began to bawl his eyes out as his entire body shook from the sadness of the situation. 'she cant be...she cant be gone...she cant...'. 'Look at her so..she's not coming back, I'm sorry' he told him.

'then you bring her back.....i cant...i need her...i cant live without her....bring...bring her back right now..' he screamed out of absolute heartache and sadness, he couldnt bare with the fact that the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with was now gone. he was begging Aether to do something, anything, to bring her back. it was obvious by this point that sodo's mind was clearly not functioning properly and he wasnt thinking or acting rationally. 'Sodo, don't do this to me..papas just said the same to me. He's heartbroken too..he's just lost his only kid, there's nothing I can do' he said taking a deep breath. sodo felt absolutely crushed by the words Aether was saying, his body started to shake more and more as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that you were actually gone. 'but there must be something, there has to, there just has to be something you can do'.

'There isn-' he paused before adding 'wait here' he told sodo running back to papa. sodo couldnt understand what the point in him waiting here was as Aether ran off to talk to papa, but he didnt have it in him right now to argue. he felt exhausted and heartbroken as all he could do was wait for Aether's return. his vision was blurry from tears and he couldnt bring himself to focus on anything but this terrible situation. All the ghouls and papa came down to sodo and y/n. Papa was the one to go up to sodo and speak to him 'sodo..there's a way to bring her back, but you have to be the one to do it' papa told him

sodo looked up to papa desperately, he couldnt believe that there was actually something that he could do to potentially bring back the love of his life. 'how? how can i bring her back?' he asked desperately looking up at papa as tears ran down his cheeks and his hands began to shake. 'You need to turn her' papa told him. sodo stopped breathing for a moment as he looked at him in shock and disbelief as the full realization of what his words truly meant sank in. 'turn her!? you mean?...'. 'I give you permission' papa told him 'I trust you sodo and so did she, as her dad I know she loved you more than anything' he told him. his mind went back to those last words that he said to you before you died 'i love you, i love you more than anything..'. your words were running through his head as he realized that if he turned her into a vampire then she could potentially stay with him forever. it was something that you both had discussed as a theory before, it had been something that he was always scared of doing to you. this was the moment when he had to decide whether or not to do something so drastic. 'i dont know...i cant...i..i dont know if i can do this....' sodo was completely lost right now, he was torn between doing something so drastic and letting you go. he felt paralyzed by the situation as all he could do was tear up at the thought of even considering turning you.

'W-what why not?' Aether asked confused. 'i..i..she wont want me to...she didnt want me to turn her...wouldn't want to be like me...' sodo was beginning to panic. 'Did she ever say she didn't want to be like you?' He asked. ' she never said anything that was exactly like that......but she never actually said anything that made me believe she wanted to be one either. what if i go ahead with it and then she hates me..?'. 'Sodo that girl loved you..more than anything why would she hate you?' Aether told him. 'you dont understand....she might not have wanted to be a vampire. we joked about it, we talked about it, but i dont think she ever actually considered it...and if i turned her into something she didnt want....i couldnt live with that...i couldnt let myself do something like that to her.' for the first time, he seemed to have completely shut down and the thought of potentially having to do this to you was too much for him to handle.

'If I know y/n the way I think I did..I think she'd want to live eternity with you. But it's your choice' he said taking a few steps back. 'but what if she didnt?....what if she wanted to rest? what if she was ready to move on? cant know what she would want, none of us can....' he looked down at the floor as the tears ran down his cheeks more and more as his mind raced with all the possibilities of what this could mean. 'i dont know i dont know if im strong enough to do this...what if i turn her and shes not happy about it or she doesnt want to spend eternity with me...? i cant do that to her, i cant make this decision for her...' he looked up at aether as his heart broke once more. 'how can i make such a big decision without knowing how she feels..?'. 'There's only one way to find out sodo..I can't make that decision.' aether said taking a few steps back

'if i do this....there will be no turning back, its a big decision and one that i cant even be sure of. i could turn her and she could end up hating me for it...and i dont think i could handle that' he replied, he wanted to scream at him, tell him how unfair this was that this choice was falling to him at the most worst moment in his entire life. 'Like I said, if I think I knew y/n the way I did she'd want to spend eternity with you..but that's not my decision to make, and she can't exactly make the decision because..' he paused 'y-you know she's d-dead'

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