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"Why are we at Barry's?"

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"Why are we at Barry's?"

"I know you got a stash somewhere here," JJ said, rummaging through the walls of a tattered house. The house wasn't in the best parts of Kildare, and I found my self anxiously following JJ around with a frequent glance over my shoulder every now and then.

"Yeah, so what's your plan, slick?" JB appeared through the door, looking around as well and talking straight to JJ.

"An eye for an eye, John B." JJ seemed much less relaxed than he usually was and his aura became intense, echoing throughout the entire house. I played with the belt loop on my shorts, silently hoping that Barry wouldn't magically appear here and find us.

Who knew what hell would unleash.

"Yeah, that's great JJ, but what happens when you rob a drug dealer?" His eyebrows furrowed, and his chill stance turned tense. I glanced back and forth between them, watching the situation turn sour.

"I'm not scared of the guy."

"There we go."

"Hey, look at me, if you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up like your dad—"

John B was cut abruptly short by JJ, who didn't want to hear another word, "Watch your mouth, man." Suddenly, they were basically face to face, seething with rage at each other.

"JJ, please." I intercepted, letting my hands weakly stay at my sides. I was 100% against this, and he knew that. This was bad business.

"Aren't you guys tired of being messed with? I mean, look what happened to Pope. What did we do about that? Jack."

JJ walked past, knocking John B's shoulder in the process, who shared the same look of frustration as me.

The others joined us, watching JJ who was muttering to himself crazily, "All right, so we're looking at like five grand each, huh?" He flipped through the duffel bag that held Barry's money, and smiled to himself.

"He's gonna come after us, JJ. He's bad news, I mean it." I spoke up, looking him in the eyes and he seemed clouded in a high of adrenaline and impulse, ignoring me as he stepped for the van.

"You guys getting in or what?" He pulled open the door of the Twinkie, looking back at us and completely disregarding our pleads.

He was going to get himself hurt.

"We're sick of your shit, JJ." John B walked forward, staring him down and balling his fist up. The wind of Kildare beat against his hair, making the entire thing even more dramatic and the sky turned a dark grey.

"Yeah, you're acting like a maniac, man," and for once, Pope had even spoken up, obviously hitting a nerve with JJ because he suddenly dropped the duffel bag.

"Okay, Pope, I took the fall for you man! Know how much I owe because of you?"

We stared in a stunned silence, the overwhelming feeling causing me to sigh aloud and lean myself back against the van. "I'm gonna pay it back, what I owe. Right here, right now, and all by myself." JJ declared, picking the duffel bag up and he stormed away.

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