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A few hours later, I exit the chateau, going to the hospital. I wanted to see if Barry was fine, and what would happen.

I stand outside of the hospital, instantly getting major flashbacks. I take a deep breath, this wasn't for me, it was for Barry. I knew he was just teasing Rafe, but shouldn't have touched me. But Rafe shouldn't have gone insane.

I enter the building, looking around and trying to control my breathing. It still had that horrid chemical smell.

"Can I help you?" the lady at the desk asks.

I finally contained myself, walking towards her.

"Yeah, um can I see Barry?" I gulp.

"Barry Carillo?" she asks as I nod.

"Are you family?" she asks, typing in her computer.

"No, we're friends." I question my own answer.

"He's in a state of shock, so he won't be able to talk if that's fine with you." she says.

"Full name?" she keeps asking questions, slightly annoying me.

"Gia Rivers." I say.

As soon as I say my name, she looks up at me with a shocked look on her face.

"He's in Room 12." she says, trying to give a smile on her face.

I walk towards his room, and as I look back to her she's on the phone. I ignore my thoughts, prioritising finding Barry.

I stand outside his door, preparing myself for who I'd see or what I'd see. People probably visited him, parents, family, friends.

I open the door to Barry's room, seeing him in a state I've never seen before. He had black eyes, it hurt to even look at them, his lips were brutally grazed and his puffy nose has several bandages over them. His entire face was bruised and throbbing, and his body was laced with wires and monitors.

"I'm so sorry Barry." I sigh.

I try to contain any tears for slipping out of my eyes, not wanting to make anything worse, but I couldn't stand to see him like that. I wouldn't be able to stand to see anyone like that.

He just stares at me, and I remember that he wasn't capable of speaking right now. I could tell he was trying to open his mouth, but he was so hurt that he couldn't.

"I'm sorry." I repeat.

"This is all my fault, I should've never gone to you knowing Rafe was gonna follow me." I sniff, putting my hands to my head.

He looks to the side.

"Wait- where is everybody?" I ask, not thinking.

I thought people would visit him. I look to him for an answer.

"Right, sorry you can't speak." I say, taking a deep breath.

"What do you-" Barry chokes out.

I look at him concerned, he wasn't supposed to be talking.

"What do you think?" he finally gets out.

"I'm fucking alone." he murmurs, his lips not moving as he talks.

"That's my- life." he looks to me.

Not even his parents could visit him, really? I go to sit on the chair beside him. I try to hold in any sobs, looking at his face.

"You're not alone, okay?" I say.

"If you were alone, why would I be here, right?" I try to laugh so that he could feel better.

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