Chapter 9

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The soldiers of the royal guard were preparing to leave. They saddled horses. They braced themselves against the fear that overcame them at the thought of going into that forest again. However, there was still that faint voice in their chests that they should not go anywhere. They whispered to each other. It's a suicide, they said. However, no one dared to disobey the order of their commander, and indeed not the order of the king.

They headed to a nearby village, half a day away, where the Shadow Lord had taken out his anger on Princess Luna. After his own brother suddenly ambushed him, there were a few survivors. They talked about what happened, about the horror that befell them. Their words reached the court, even the king's ears, and he sent the commander of the guards with soldiers to go there and find out exactly what happened. They also heard about his argument with his brother. Any information about him could be helpful, considering the fact that they didn't know anything about him yet.

As they were about to leave, Princess Luna appeared and stopped them.

"Where are you going?" she asked the Commander. "Hope not where I think."

"I'm sorry, princess, but we're going exactly where you think," replied the Commander. "We have to do everything in our power to help these people. They are part of your kingdom. They need our help, and you, as their princess, should best understand what it's like to be targeted by that monster."

Luna did not like the way the Commander talked to her. How does he dare? But she chooses to ignore it because he stays her only ally in this mess. He was the last one left when even her own father was leaving her. She was losing everything.

"It's too dangerous," said Princess Luna. "Don't you remember what happened a year ago? Do you want it to happen again? I'm going with you," she finally added.

"Yes, it is dangerous," acknowledged the Commander. "And that's why you're not going anywhere," he said. "You have no idea how dangerous the shadows are. You haven't experienced them, princess. Shadows are definitely grinding their teeth on you and would love to get you in their clutches," he instructed her. "That's why you must stay here where you're safe."

"Ha!" Luna laughed at him. "They can't hurt me," she said.

"But they can," the Commander objected. "I witnessed their cruelty myself."

"And even if they wanted to, they can't. Their master wants me alive. Something tells me that they wouldn't want to upset him. And I also don't think they would dare hurt anyone in my company, so I'm coming with you." she declared for the last time.

Actually, Luna had ulterior motives. She had to move around the castle unobserved, but at the same time, she was guarded enough not to run away. Princess wanted to sneak into the forest in a moment of inattention and find out something about the Shadow Lord herself. Her life depended on him, and she didn't want to risk her death by being killed recklessly and vengefully.

"Your father, the king, would certainly not be happy if he found out you went with us." The commander tried to force the princess to stay, but she is so stubborn. "You will only be a nuisance."

"Honestly, I'm probably not the only one who would appreciate the princess's company if she could keep those nasty shadows away from us. None of us want to end up the same as the last expedition," one of the soldiers told the Commander. He was terrified of what awaited them in the Dark forest and believed that princess Luna could bring them luck.

"Or vice versa, she can lure the Shadow Lord to us," said the Commander. "That's why she stays." The Commander turned to Luna to emphasize his decision. "You stay!" he ordered her.

The princess was annoyed by the way the Commander was talking to her. How did he even dare to order her around? He forgets where his place is. Luna wanted to object, but the Commander didn't give her a chance and left with the army before she could open her mouth.

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