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Hi Jenna, I've landed, I'm okay, it's night with you well barely 8:30 pm, either way Goodnight Jenna and Good well almost morning, It's 4:30 am, i hope we can talk about what we need to talk about soon

Jenna stared at the message as a tear fell down her cheek, she didn't want to answer back right now, she felt like shit, she even thought Y/n was being too nice by texting her that

"Dude, it's okay" Markus said softly as he stared at his sister who was on the couch, Jenna just shrugged not saying anything, Aliyan and Markus knew she didn't do it on purpose, but they were surprised on how she forgot she was dating someone

"Yeah, I think we know her enough and she would understand any explanation you give her as long as it's the truth " Aliyah squeezed her shoulder, but Jenna could not speak, she didn't have words, she just wanted to run and hide..

A few hours had passed, Markus and Aliyah went to bed, and she...there she was in Y/n's room, on Y/n's bed hugging her pillow, thinking how could she fuck up like that? How could she forget?? Why was it happening right now? When she was the most happy person finally 

She pulled out her phone finally deciding to answer Y/n's text

Hi Y/n, thanks for letting me know you landed, please let me know how your mom is doing, sending her much love, i hope she's okay and...i know...would you want to talk about it through text? Call? Until you come back?

Please get some rest as well, Time zones can be a bitch, Love Jenna.

She hit send without any hesitation, shutting her eyes, god she hated this, the timing and everything, Y/n being in fucking London out of no where, Gideon confirming they were well are dating since she still hasn't ended it....

"Hi mum" Y/n smiled softly at her mother who was in bed, her mothers eyes lit up right away as she tried to stand up to hug her daughter "No no no, you stay there" Y/n said laying next to her mom quickly pulling her into a hug as "My love, i'm so happy to see you, we have a lot to discuss..." She said, Y/n looked down nodding "I know mother.." She said in a soft and sad tone "What's happened? Why are you so sad? " Her mother caressed her cheek as Y/n shut her eyes "Well first, your sick...and second..i've fallen in love" Her moms eyes lit eye at the mention of her falling in love 

"Oh dear, I remember falling in love with your father when I was 8 years old. We met in 1934 while attending a wedding for Marina. Five years later, we reconnected at ages 13 and 18 while we were at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth. But it was until our second encounter where we fell in love oh dear " she paused as she laughed at the memory " then we began exchanging letters, now tell me my dear how did you fall in love? "
 She finished as she stared at a picture of her late husband, Y/n smiled softly at her mother who was so happy that she remembered that and that she was interested in her life

" Well, it wasn't exactly love at first sight, but it was something like that i believe, the first time we spoke, i felt it, an ache like a small electric burn, it changed my life....but mother" Y/n stood from the bed sitting in a chair that was next to her bed, grabbing her mothers hand

She had to tell her

"The person i fell in love with is a girl" 

"Jenna!!" Gideon said smiling as she waved at her, Jenna tried smiling, but it came out to forced, She sat down in the seat in front of her, waving as well "Hey Gid" She said, Gideon had the brightness smile ever "I missed you Jen, why didn't you call or text me? I mean your last call telling me to take my story down surely wasn't what i expected" Gideon said frowning a bit at the end of her sentence, Jenna now felt bad, she didn't deserve this as well, it wasn't her fault, or was it? "Why didn't you call or text me if you noticed I wasn't doing it? And I know I'm sorry about that.." She whispered 

Gideon felt taken aback, although Jenna was right

"I thought you really needed a break and to enjoy your family, so I just stepped aside... " Jenna nodded, smiling softly at her "Yeah..i've been enjoying every second with them "But..." She cleared her throat "Gid, why did you make us official without consulting me first? "

Gideon stared at her, blinking

"I.." No words came out "Well why not do it if we were dating? "

"We weren't dating ..." Jenna said softly with a frown, Gideon chuckled "Um...excuse me? What do you mean?? Am I missing something for you to say that? "

"I thought you were messing around so...i yeah" Jenna said as she sipped her wine

Gideon felt dumbfounded hearing Jenna say those words

"Jenna, For the love, for laughter, I flew up to your literally gave me signs of us wanting to be together, you can't tell me...we weren't dating when we clearly...had something going on"

Jenna nodded hearing her

"I know...and i understand, i do...but this is why you should've asked me first before confirming it to the world, now i'm not saying we didn't have something, but us dating... maybe it was a

vision of yours Gideon..."

Jenna was right, Gideon hated to admit, she really never did say she was dating her or wanted to date her...she hated to admit that

Jenna stretched to grab her hand, which Gideon gladly took

"I'm very sorry Gideon, but i've met someone, that's why i asked you to take it down, she saw it"

Gideon felt her heart break at those words


Jenna stood silent, pursing her lips staring at her knowing that she had heard her loud and clear

"Who is this person ? "

"None of your concerns...but i am sorry about all of this mess"

"It's not a fucking mess Jenna, it's not my fault you don't know what you want and i know you don't want her "

Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon

"You don't know that...that's for me to know now I have to go Gideon, but thank you for seeing me..."

Jenna stood up as she grabbed her bag, leaving a 100 dollar bill on the table , Gideon stood up quickly grabbing her arm

"Did I really mean nothing to you?"

Jenna didn't say anything, getting ready to leave, She turned around but was spun around as her lips crashed against hers...Jenna taking a couple seconds to process what was going on, she pulled away quickly, storming out of the restaurant

And I have kissed you for the last time...Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon 

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