Chapter 7: The Date ;)

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We sit down on a nearby table, I look at Lucifer sitting across myself and grin as I notice him looking even smaller when sitting in the chair. I look at the menu for a few moments, deciding that nothing was of interest, I'd have to resolve to talking to him for this date. I put both my arms on the table as I rested my chin on my hands, just staring at him. My smile widens as I notice some discomfort on his part. He should be. He really forced me huh? I'll show you why they called me a psycho, especially in my past life. I smirk as I recall a certain torture method that really excited me. It was certainly excruciating and disturbing involving lots of dismemberment and blood. I couldn't do it back when I was a human since I wasn't too fond pf cleaning up, but ever since I became a demon, I've had lots of practice. I smirk to myself as I recall my victim's screams as I tortured them, ripped their bodies apart with no mercy at all. Well I could still hear those screams on the radio, but it sounded much more fresher when they're newly killed. It really was nice to know that Charlie would finally let me have a killing spree tomorrow, I must've gotten rusty. It's been nearly six months since I've had one. I cross my legs as I think of ways to start the conversation.


I stare at Alastor as he stares at me, "Huh? Why has he been staring at me for this long? Does he think I'm cute, or does he want a staring contest?" I think to myself as we sat there staring at each other.


[The meme begins here dearies. Enjoy!~]

"Wow, this date is starting off so well." I look at him, admiring his beauty even now, "He's so perfect from what I can tell.". I snap my fingers, making the menu appear in my hands. My eyes narrowed as I blink my eyes a few times, "What the fuck?" I thought to myself as I look at the gruesome images of food and the horrible names. I forgot that this was a cannibal town, of course it had.. explicit food.

"My favorite food is jambalaya." he tells me, starting the conversation. His head resting on his hand.

"Baby, that's my favorite too." I tell him back in a flirty tone. It wasn't mine of course, it was pancakes but this was our first date, what's the fun in being uninteresting? He, not minding this, continues.

"I love having pets." I knew immediately he was thinking of Husker, his fluffy cat which he pets from time to time.

"Baby, I love petting as well." I reply awkwardly, not knowing how to answer while not offending him. I know he doesn't like talking about the fact that he is a deer. So I referenced the way that I really liked petting him last night.

"Hey boy, what's your favorite torture method?" I ask him, genuinely curious about what his sadistic idea of a torture session is.

He said, "The best torture of all!" he slams his hand on t he table and stood up. "A masterpiece of pain called

"Human centipede, HUMAN CENTIPEDE!" he shouts out in a sadistic tone, shadowy hands emerging from his back. "How.. How is he so creepy yet attractive at the same time?!"

"Haha, anyways.. I think that I'm gonna get murdered tonight.." I thought to myself as I stare at him. I was completely entranced yet creeped out at the same time by his performance. I nervously raise my glass as he continues.

"Human centipede.. It's not ironically!", "Huh? What does he mean?"

He said: "The sound of their screams was a highlight!" he leans towards me, his neck elongating grotesquely. "So.. I guess this is him being romantic.. haha. How creepy.".

"I like it for the process!" he says, calming down, his arms outstretched.

"Tell me what's this 'process'.." I reply, a bead of sweat dripping down my face as I hold my empty glass up.

"Well, I usually sew three people. ASS. TO. MOUTH." he replies, leaning closer to me as he pours me some wine.

"Cool." I reply, visibly nervous now.


[Meme ends here.]

A few hours later after we had eaten our fill of meat, we left the restaurant. Alastor seemed to be contented with what he ate while I had mixed feelings about the food. First, I felt like throwing up. Who in the world, other than a cannibal, would eat demon fingers? Second, for my first time to eat such a meat, it really didn't taste bad at all. It was just a bit more flavorful and tougher than pig meat. The wine here tasted different from the wine at my castle as well. It seemed like people here at Cannibal town really had some class to make their own versions of everything.

We both went back to the hotel, chatting along the way about how fine and modern the restaurant looked. Alastor seemed to be complaining about this because he didn't like modern stuff, while I didn't like it because it's not fancy enough.

Soon we arrived at the hotel it was nearly nightfall and everyone was in their rooms by now, except for Husk since he works at the bar. He looks up at us, "So, what did you guys even do? Charlie's getting annoyingly curious and Angel is getting more suspicious." he asks us, "Oh don't you worry your sweet fluffy head about that Husker. What's known to us, is known to us." Alastor replies from beside me. "Yeah, yeah sure. Just don't drag me into your shit." Alastor rolls his eyes and heads upstairs, to which I follow. As we walked up, I felt Husk's eyes following us intently. It was clear he was onto something, but it would be suspicious if we address it now, and I'm sure that Alastor is thinking the same thing.


I walk back to my room, tired from the day's events. The food was very nice there, though the design bothered me a bit, it was fun seeing Lucifer get so nervous and uncomfortable. I chuckle to myself as I open the door, placing my staff besides my bed as I change out of my suit. Once I was in my pajamas, which was really just a dress gown, I laid in my bed, thinking about the day's events.

A few hours later, it was already past midnight I still couldn't sleep. I turned on the radio beside my bed and listened to music to try and get myself to sleep. Nearly an hour later, I was wide awake, lying in bed while misic played. This was getting annoying. Normally I would be able to fall asleep, albeit forcefully, in seconds. Why wasn't I able to fall asleep now? I turn off the radio, silence engulfing my room.

Out of nowhere, I hear a knock on my door. I was quite surprised by this. "Who else but me could be awake at this hour?" I thought to myself as I got up to open the door. There stood Lucifer, also seemingly not being able to sleep. "Can I- uh- sleep here again?" he asks me. I sigh at this. Even though I knew he was also the reason i couldn't sleep, it was kind of awkward seeing him here. "..Of course, come in." I reply, holding the door open for him to come inside. When he went in, he immediately collapses on the bed, already sound asleep just by hugging the blankets I was cuddled in all night. I chuckled to myself quietly, "What a cute little devil, falling asleep with just my scent..". I then also get in beside him, both of us lying in bed now. I felt his hands hug me again, but this time I know longer flinch. I was slowly getting used to his touch. Drowsiness clouded my mind as I let myself succumb to sleep.

[Greetings once again. I do take note that this chapter particularly contains less words than the others. Fear not, I will attempt to update you people more sooner. :)]

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