Chapter - 40

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Myra halted in her step hearing a loud shriek from the other side. She abruptly turned to the side to find the source of the scream.

She saw Niren, running towards her direction. Earlier he was standing a few metres away from them. He was following his elder brother like his shadow.

Myra's heart thudded with fear looking at the alarming face of her brother-in-law. She turned to look back to see her husband lying unconscious on the ground. Her eyes grew wide, and she ran to him with wobbly legs. She kneeled beside his body. Her palm covered her mouth and the fresh tears started streaming over her cheeks. Myra's hands touched his arm, and she shook him calling his name in whisper but he did not respond.

Meanwhile, Niren reached them. He kneeled down shaking his brother.

"Neil... Neil wake up." Niren shook his brother's body, but there was no response.

"What... What happened to him? Why is he not waking up?" Myra muttered asking Niren.

"We need to take him inside." Niren took out the phone from his pockets, dialling for his security head.

"Neil.... Wake up... Open your eyes." She tapped on his cheeks. "He is... he is burning with fever." She mumbled feeling his burning hot skin.

"Yes, he is from morning." Niren answered not meeting his worrisome eyes with her teary ones.

In a few moments, security and hospital staff took Neil inside, and doctors surrounded him with urgent medical care.

"From the last couple of days he was suffering..." Niren informed when he saw her pacing in the corridor fidgeting her fingers.

"He never cares about himself." She replied in annoyance.

Looking at his lifeless burning body, her heart took control over her mind.

"Myra, please don't worry, he will be fine." Niren kept his hand on her shoulder in assurance. "Where... where is Neev?" It's been a long time since he had seen his nephew.

"He is with Nancy... she took him to the play area." Myra replied, keeping her eyes on the closed doors waiting for doctors to come out with their diagnosis.

After some wait the doctors came out, "Doctor, how is he?" Both Niren and Myra rushed.

"He has a temperature almost 103F. Our guess is Mr. Singhania has been suffering from the last few days... looks like he has been careless about his health. Temperature, dehydration and sudden drop in his BP made him lose his control over body. Human body cannot take it when one takes it for granted." The Doctor's every word was bringing fresh tears in Myra's eyes.

"For now we have put him on IV. He is stable... But due to the medicine's effect he would be unconscious for a few hours. It will help in decreasing his temperature. As per medicine intake it will be up and down but in two - three days fever will go away. But weakness will stay. He needs maximum rest." Doctors informed in a professional tone. He instructed his junior about the next treatment steps.

"Can I see him?" Myra requested in a pleading tone.

"Sure. Go ahead Myra." Doctor knew Myra was the intern of this hospital.

"Thank you." She responded quickly.

In the next moment, she opened the door and entered inside to see Neil, lying unconscious on a hospital bed. She dropped her shoulders and started weeping badly.

"He is fine, Myra. He is just sleeping." Niren entered inside to see sobbing Myra.

"Come. Come here. Sit... sit here please." He made Myra sit on a nearby couch.

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