the agreement

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Galini avoided calling him, but she sent him a message about where and when. She informed William and began to get ready. They left rather quickly, and neither paid attention to the other. But they were both so beautiful! William watched her as she drove and knew he had never seen a more beautiful girl.

When they arrived at the "fancy" restaurant, Galini was sweating from anxiety. And seeing Elias made her feel a feeling again, which she couldn't quite define. William squeezed her hand as they walked in, not knowing why this game continued. The reason it continued and probably why he continued it himself. At that moment, however, he felt it was in his best interest.

They sat at the table, and after introductions, work came to the forefront. Elias seemed to want her shares, but she deliberately raised the price so that someone else among the three interested shareholders would take them. There were many proposals, and she told them she would choose by the end of the evening.

It was ten o'clock, and people had started dancing.

William had gone outside for some calls and was delayed. Elias, taking advantage of his absence, decided to ask Galini to dance in a way that left her no room to refuse. William was surprised when he came back in, his teeth gradually grinding nervously. He grabbed her without hesitation and asked her ex if he could dance with his girl. Elias didn't object, so he politely allowed him to continue dancing with her.

"What are you doing? Why did you do that now, dance with him?"

"You said you had put him aside."

"It's not that simple."

"We agreed that if you want him, you'll do as I say. Your mind is stuck, and you don't see that he's not worth it; I wish there was a key to your mind! At least if you want him, you have to be patient. The right way will bring him back to you, and he'll desire you. Maybe he's just doing it for the shares." He ended, bringing her closer to him.

"You're right, it's just not easy." She replied and positioned her hands better on him to continue their dance. It was the first time she saw him so stern. His words had a drop of poison, and instead of his eyes being sweet and calm as always, now they burned.

After the dance came the agreement, and Galini signed the transfer of shares to whoever would pay her better. She was unexpectedly happy about it all. The money that she didn't expect to come had opened doors for new goals.

On the way back, Galini gave William the car keys as she had drunk, and at some point she told him to stop for some chocolate. They sat on a bench when he asked her why her mood had dropped again.

"Galini, you don't deserve all this."

"I know something has been lost between us, but we've been through so much together. I've learned to live with him. We've been together for six years."

"You're only twenty-four, what you're saying sounds..."

"And the way you say it, who will care now. All these years I've been with Elias, no one has flirted with me."

"That's impossible. You just didn't pay attention. I want to tell you something.."

"About work. Sorry if I haven't dealt with it as much as I should have."

"No. Galini..." Her phone rang, and after answering her mother, she asked him what he wanted to tell her.

"We'll talk later, let's go because it's starting to get cold."

Inside, he felt that later would never come.

When they returned home, Galini sank into the bathtub and her thoughts. Everything was so simple, but she saw it so confused. She got out of the bathroom, and as she was with towels on her body and hair, she went to the kitchen to have a glass of water. William understood that her mood was low. He wanted to say so much. But he said nothing! A girl full of life couldn't see the inspiration. He took it all away from her, that man. And William saw this girl who knew how to be still so childish, and someone was taking it away from her. But she allowed it, and she finally had to face it.

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