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Lishay: Lishay is an 18-year-old student and your boyfriend's best friend. She is outgoing and sociable, with a knack for making friends wherever she goes. Lishay's bubbly personality and infectious laughter light up any room she enters, and she is always the life of the party. Despite her carefree demeanor, Lishay is a loyal friend who stands by those she cares about through thick and thin.

On ig:-

Lishay: Hey Y/N, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about what my friend did. It was totally wrong.

Y/N: Thank you, Lishay. It means a lot to hear that from you.

Lishay: He's been acting out lately, and I don't condone his behavior at all.

Y/N: I appreciate your honesty. It's been really hard dealing with everything.

Lishay: I understand. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what.

Y/N: Thank you, Lishay. Your support means the world to me.

Lishay: Anytime, Y/N. And hey, if you ever want to take your mind off things, we could make some music together.

Y/N: That sounds like just what I need right now. Let's do it!

Lishay: Great! Looking forward to it. Take care, Y/N.

Y/N: You too, Lishay. Thanks again.

Time skip to 04:00pm

Lishay: Hey Y/N, I've been working on some new lyrics for a song I'm writing. Would you like to hear them?

Y/N: Absolutely! I'd love to hear what you've come up with.

Lishay: *sends lyrics* Here they are. Let me know what you think.

Y/N: *reads lyrics* Wow, these are amazing, Lishay! So heartfelt and beautifully written.

Lishay: Thank you, Y/N. I poured my heart into them. Do you have any lyrics you'd like to share with me?

Y/N: Actually, I do. I've been working on a song about resilience and overcoming obstacles. Here are the lyrics.

Lishay: *reads lyrics* These are incredible, Y/N! I love the message of strength and perseverance. Your words really resonate with me.

Y/N: I'm glad you think so, Lishay. It's always a bit nerve-wracking sharing my lyrics with someone, but your feedback means a lot.

Lishay: Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. Your talent shines through in every line. We should definitely collaborate on a song sometime.

Y/N: I'd love that, Lishay! It would be amazing to see our lyrics come together to create something special.

Lishay: Agreed. Let's make it happen! Until then, keep writing those incredible lyrics, Y/N♡♡


Sorry for late update hope you all like it

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