Chapter 18 - Preview of Edited Version (SMUT)

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I maintained eye contact with him as he marched his way over to me. I felt glued to my spot as I bravely wanted to see what he would do. Once I was at arm's length of him, he grabbed me by my hips, pulling me towards him, and I squealed as I placed my hands on his chest. He brought his lips down to mine, and I moaned softly once they made contact.

Every time he placed his lips on mine, it felt like fireworks. I'm positive he also has no clue that he was my first kiss... Come to think of it, my first kiss was with my boss. I always tried to avoid that fact, but you can't avoid the truth. He squeezed my waist again before stepping back, resting his forehead against mine, and closing his eyes.

"Killian... this dynamic feels wrong," I muttered, and he hummed as he pulled me closer to him and placed his hand on the side of my face, caressing it softly.

"Does it?" He asked seductively, and I was tempted to lean into his caress, but I composed myself as he spoke again. "I quite like our dynamic, sweetheart.."

"I just.. I feel like this is wrong, Killian. You're my boss," I remarked, looking down at our shoes.

Killian paused momentarily before responding, "It may seem wrong, but if you truly felt it was, would you continue?"

I bit my lip, pondering his words. "I suppose not," I replied hesitantly.

He then gently lifted my head with a finger under my chin. "Then, considering we're not doing anything wrong, it makes perfect sense to resume without any worries... doesn't it?" He asked with a small smile.

As I was about to respond, he kissed me again. I gripped his suit jacket as he tried to take all the air out of my lungs. After a few seconds, we stopped, and he looked deep into my eyes, analyzing me, examining me.. tempting me. Suddenly, we heard a gasp and giggling. We both turned to the sound and saw Delilah jumping up and down, clapping, and Reginald taking pictures with his phone.

"Bribri and Killy kissed!!! They kissed, they kissed!!!" Delilah yelled, and Reginald shook his head. "Benjamin is going to be so jealous of what I've caught on camera.."

I pushed away from Killian, blushing even more as I realized I wasn't holding my clutch. Looking down, I saw it on the floor where it must have fallen when we began. Delilah skipped over to us with a big smile as I picked it up. Meanwhile, Killian's phone rang, and he excused himself to take the call in another room.

"You like Killy!" She whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

"I do not! Stop saying that!" I whispered back, and it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, silly me.. You like LIKE Killy." She argued as Reginald bent down to her level, and he nodded his head.

"I agree," He spoke, and I paid them no mind as I grabbed Delilah's hand and walked us over to where Killian was. From the way he spoke into the phone and the tension in his back, it was clear that he was infuriated.

"Mother, we have already discussed this. They are coming. Look, I don't have time for this," he grumbled, then ended the call after exchanging a few more words with her.

"Let's go. Leo's outside," he said, turning to me. I nodded my head as we walked to the door. Leo, also dressed in a suit, was waiting by the car when we stepped outside. After getting in, I made sure Delilah was comfortable in the middle. Killian joined us, and we drove off in silence. I noticed him stealing glances at me as well before he spoke.

"You can consider tomorrow a free day for you." He spoke, and I turned toward him.

"What do you mean? I thought you had meetings scheduled."

His Possession In Discretion | ✓ - DISCRETION SERIES BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now