Fresh start

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Chapter 1
[Real life and iMessage]

"LAUREN, WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GO", I hear a voice come through my door.

I groan and slowly but surely I roll out of my very comfy bed. Nearly landing on one of the many boxes that littered my room that had yet to be placed in the attic with the rest of my stuff. Everything that I needed and wanted to take was already at my apartment in Connecticut where Hayley was already waiting for me.

Looking around at all the cardboard, with designated dates lazily written on them in sharpie, I couldn't help but break out into a smile. It was the start of a new chapter in my life and today was going to be a good day, I just knew it.

After a few minutes of sitting on the edge of my bed, I hop off onto the cold floor, cringing as my feet hit the icy wood. I walked over to my bathroom and did my usual routine, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on the smallest bit of makeup before walking to my desk where I had layed out my outfit the night before.

A pair of athletic shorts and a pink tank top. I had my first dance team practice today so I just decided to go ahead and wear what I was gonna wear to that. 

"You ready to go, you can't miss your flight", my mom says, peeking her head into my room.

I nod and grab my carry on, throwing it over my shoulder and following my mom out into the hallway.

"There she is, our beautiful college student", my dad says the moment I enter the kitchen.

"I've been in college for two years already dad", I giggled as I took my place at the island.

"But you're going to a new school, so it's almost like you're a freshman again", he smiles, placing a plate with two pancakes and 3 pieces of bacon infront of me.

"Oh lord no, I never want to go back there again", I stuff my face with a piece of pancake.

Dad rolls his eyes with a laugh as he goes back to put another plate next to me where my mom takes a seat and begins eating.

"Have you talked to Hayley at all?", she asks me after swallowing.

I shake my head. "Not yet, she's been with Caitlin all week, didn't want to disturb them."

"How is she taking it, the long distance and everything", mom furrows her brows as she looks at me.

"It's hard, like really hard. They've never been away from each other longer than a month and even that nearly killed them", I giggle.

"They've been through worse, I'm convinced they'll get married", dad butts in, leaning against the counter and taking a bite of the bacon in his hand.

I nod my head and we went back to eating in silence. Hayley met Caitlin, (yes, THE Caitlin Clark) our freshman year at Iowa university. They hit it off immediately and have been inseparable ever since. While I am as single as that slice of pizza I left in the pizza box last night.

"You finished hon, we have to get going", mom says, hopping off of her bar stool.

I pushed my plate towards my dad before stepping off of the stool and grabbing my bag.

"I'll miss you bug. Call when you land", my dad says pulling me into a giant hug.

My family was known for their hugs, the way we would just engulf everyone we met, none of us knew the basic hand shake, whenever we met someone new, we would always greet them with our famous hugs.

"I'll miss you too. Love you dad", I smile, pulling away.

"Love you too kid", he ruffles my hair and I roll my eyes before walking away.

I hopped into the passenger seat, leaning back as I wait patiently for my mom. I feel my phone ding in my back pocket and quickly pull it out.

Hay Hay
Hayley: have you left yet?
Me: About to pull out of the driveway, did you make it back ok?
Hayley: yup, just left the airport, on my way to the apartment now
Me: how's Caitlin
Hayley: it was hard
Hayley: I already miss her like crazy
Me: I know hay, but I promise it will be ok.
Me: at least you get to see azzi
Hayley: I KNOW
Hayley: I'm so excited, I haven't gone to school with my sister since freshman year of high school
Me: I'll talk to you when I land in Connecticut
Hayley: ok, love ya sista
Me: love you too Hay Hay

Mom hops in the car and starts driving steadily down the road as I finished up my conversation with Hayley.

Hayley was adopted by Azzis family her freshman year high school after her parents left her at school and never came back. Azzis family treated her like their own from day one.

Azzis a junior at UConn and one of the best basketball players I've ever seen. I don't pay much attention to basketball, only going to the Iowa games because Hayley would drag me to see Caitlin play in a packed out stadium.

I sigh as I watch my hometown pass by from the small window of my mom's Toyota.

"You'll do great honey, fresh start. New people", my mom reach over and combs her fingers through my hair.

I give her a small smile before turning back towards the window. I loved it at Iowa, but UConn was always Hayley, Laena, and I's dream school. Despite getting a full ride to Iowa, the three of us applied to UConn every year.

This year, Hayley and I were accepted and Laena was waitlisted. She told us to not let her hold us back and that she was proud of us. She just moved to Louisiana where she is currently doing her junior year at LSU and is on the tiger girls dance team.

"What if I'm not a good captain", I spit out.

"Honey, you'll be those girls saving grace. You've led two teams to four national titles. They'll love you", my mom smiles.

The day after I was accepted by UConn I got a call from their dance coach. She explained that they had just lost their captain and had seen my accomplishments at Iowa and would love for me to lead their team.

"We're here honey", mom breaks me out of my train of thought. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding before I opened the door and stepped out onto the busy sidewalk.

I turn to look at my mom who was giving me the biggest smile.

"Im so proud of you, I hope you know that", she says, wrapping me up in a big hug.

"I know mom, I love you"

"Go ahead and go before I cry anymore", she laughs. "I love you too honey"

I gave her one last tight lipped smile before making my way into the loud airport, onto the flight, taking me two hours away to start a new chapter of my life.

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