Sailfish Four

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Sailor felt his heart nearly stop in his chest as he stared, wide-eyed, at a confident, grinning Cassius. 


He inwardly leveled a stare at his seal, making it lean onto its left flipper and tilt its head that direction dramatically, then switch to its right side before giving its head a good shake and barking loudly. 

A quiet laugh drew his attention back to the young man before him. 

What's so funny? 

"Your seal is a real goofball, huh?" Cassius said as he nodded to the spot next to him, seemingly silently requesting that he come sit next to him. 

Clenching his jaw off and on, Sailor chewed on the idea that someone else could somehow sense his seal. It was a really strange thought. Not even his brother could sense his seal unless it was extremely close to the surface, and considering it was just goofing around behind his eyes right now, it wasn't anywhere near close enough to the surface for that to be possible. 

Cassius watched him for a few more moments before leaning back on his hands in the water and tilting his head towards him. Not a second later and the guy had his tongue out the slightest bit, making Sailor's seal give an excited bark and mirror the action! 

Behave, you brat, he chastised internally before stepping forward and glaring down at Cassius. 

The guy's tongue wisely retreated back into his mouth, but the goofy grin on his face never left. When the silence stretched between them again, Cassius nodded at the spot beside him a second time. 

Inwardly sighing, Sailor carefully sat down about a foot away, but refused to look at the guy as he stared straight ahead at the gently rippling water. 

Figuring that he was now being ignored, Cassius moved a bit in his peripheral vision, but since he wasn't touching him, Sailor ignored him. At least, he tried to, but when the man slipped off the edge of the shallow platform and swam to the spot right in front of Sailor, he was forced to narrow his eyes on him. 

Cassius simply continued to grin as he leaned forward, resting his arms atop the ledge. 

When Sailor decided  to keep silent, it was evidently a goad for the other man to start speaking again. 

"Can I take a look at your foot, Sai?" 

Who said you could call me that? 

Sailor moved to cross his legs, but the motion of his right foot brushing against the ledge he was sitting on made him flinch and hesitate in completing the action. 

Cassuis watched him calmly, his light smile shifting to a frown as he noticed his pain. Instead of asking to see his foot again, however, he lifted his gaze back up to Sailor's eyes. 

"Your brother mentioned that your foot has been injured for a long time. Does it bruise easily?" 

Sailor continued to scowl, but the longer he looked at the man the more excited his seal grew. Eventually, Splash's enthusiasm overrode his control  and, quite abruptly, he shoved his hands downward and forward, splashing Cassius right in his face! 

The man looked stunned, at first, but then, to Sailor's surprise, his grin reappeared and he opened his eyes, not even minding that water was still running down his face. 

Blushing slightly, Sailor finally pursed his lips, then sighed out a hesitant "sorry." 

Cassius gave his head a shake to disperse some of the water, his smile never slipping from his handsome face. 

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