Chapter 2

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In a room decorated with flowers, mostly roses, the two slept in their respective corners of the bed. Not many words were exchanged among the two. Perhaps only a few formal words.

"Hopefully, you don't have any bad bed habits." Poonam said with a heartfelt chuckle.

One of the things Rohit liked about Poonam is her humor.

"Hopefully, you don't kick me off my bed." Rohit joked too and laughed with Poonam. Although there were discomforts, both of them tried and conceal their nervousness.

Rohit discovered sharing the bed with a woman wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. He found himself quite distracted by the presence of the other person on his bed.

In the middle of the night Rohit recalled out of nowhere that there was actually a woman lying next to him. He fought himself from turning and checking on her as he had done that already more than a couple of times.

Her docile face shone in the dim lighting of the room. Poonam was so tired that she didn't even realize when she drifted off to a deep deep slumber. She was no more aware of the man lying next to her as she slept like a sloth. Although she was too pretty to refer as a sloth.

Rohit stared at her sleeping face intensely. A tiny smile on his lips. Had he known it would turn into a sleepless night would he have told her to sleep? Had he not asked her to sleep would he get to see her this way? She was so defenseless at the moment yet Rohit didn't have a heart to disrupt her harmonous slumber. There was a weird wholesome feeling that warmed his heart. Why did he feel so good having her sleeping on his bed as if it was hers? Wait, it is hers from here upon! It all belongs to both of them now, this whole apartment and every tiny bit that is in this room all should be shared.

Rohit realized all that was ever his along with all that will be his he will have to share it all with her. Whatever he owned he would only own the half of it and the rest half would be Poonam's. Surprisingly, the thought of having to share all of his assets with someone else didn't sound bad as long as it was the woman who's now peacefully asleep by his side. Rohit doesn't know why but he wants to share all of himself with Poonam. Yet it was just a few hours of her in his life.

Even though there was no instant connection among these two. Rohit realized he would give it a try, he would try to love this beautiful being that remained in her dream land as she slept next to him.


Mornings are always described to be beautiful, in books, in poetries and even in paintings. Rohit never perceived mornings this way. There was a delightful feeling that engulfed the room, even defying the fragrance of the flowers used to the decorations.

There was a sweet scent in the air. Something that reminded him of autumn. A soft jiggling sound rang in his ears as the tiny bells of anklets rang along with the movements of the person adorning them in her delicate ankles.

Rohit found it delightful when little droplets of water touched his face with the scent of some womanly soap. He slowly opened his eyes to see a tall figure standing in beside the bed. She was facing the dresser mirror while her back was facing him. Rohit silently watched on as his beautiful wife dried her hair with a towel. The strings at the back of her blouse, untied. The wide cut of her blouse accessing him a good look at her skin. His fingers tingled. What a sight to be hold the first thing in the morning!

Is this the magic they talk about? Is this the connection that was not there before but suddenly Rohit is able to perceive it?

It was just a mere moment of attraction.

How would Rohit have stopped himself from feeling attracted to such a beautiful woman? No man has that power. Truly, men are powerless before the beauty of women.

Poonam, unaware of being crept at, focused on her task of drying her hair. She had no awareness that her womanly charms were binding her newlywed husband into the spell of immense attraction. Had she known, she would never intentionally seduce him.

Poonam is a 22 years old girl, and it is only recently that she finished her bachelor's degree in English literature. Rohit and her marriage was a marriage of convenience. Her parents saw Rohit as a deserving candidate therefore they chose him for their eldest daughter.  Initially, Poonam was angry that why did they have to get her married right after she finished her graduation. But her parents saw possibilities of a greater future in Rohit which is why they couldn't let this deal slip out of their hands.

At the same time, Poonam's younger sister Sheena had a runaway wedding right after Poonam's wedding was done. Rohit's mother never liked that girl anyway. However, even though they were sisters, Rohit's mother observed that the two were vaguely dissimilar from one another. Which is why Poonam's Mother-in-law found it easier to differentiate the goods and bads and choose Poonam for her son. The sisters might not be alike, that doesn't make them any lesser than siblings. At times they fight each other but whenever the need arises they fight for each other.

Sheena was the only one to ask Poonam not to get married in a haste just because their parents were hurrying things. But Poonam! She has to be the obedient one! She had to fulfil her parent's wish. But was it really a good decision?

What did Poonam had to let go in order to fulfil her parent's wish? Her education, her career and her dreams. Was it worth letting it all slide?

However, Poonam was in an arranged marriage and she was content that at least her parents didn't find her a bald engineer or even worse. Poonam is now married to Rohit and she's happy to have a good-looking, considerate and smart-witted young man.

From the bottom of her heart, there was a strong sadness Poonam couldn't help. She had to leave her family and her forever known home, how would a girl not be sad to part with her family?

And then there is this strange man, who's now her husband. Even though she kind of already had a liking towards him. They were still practically strangers after all. They hadn't even had much time to know each other before they got married. Poonam wonders what kind of a person he really is. With that thought, she looks over her shoulder to see if the man has yet woken.

Rohit, who was still ogling at her immediately closed his eyes and pulled the comforter over his head when he saw her turn her head. He silently prayed for her to not have noticed. But then the comforter was pulled off of his face and he stared at her with a flustered face, his eyes wide open.

"Hmm... So, someone's pretending to be asleep!" Blood rushed to the back of his ears. Never before he had seen her so close. The air smelt like her, of autumn breeze, "Were you creeping on me?" It was now her turn to be embarrassed. Did she just realize that the strings at her back were still untied?! Poonam straightened her posture with a flustered face that was similar to Rohit's when she had pulled the blanket off of his face.

Had he been looking!?

Blood rushed to her cheeks at the thought.

Without thinking twice she sprinted to the washroom and locked herself in there until she fixed her clothes. And then she was reminded of the look on his face when he was caught sneaking on her. Instantly a smile lit up on her lips.


Well, I guess I have disappointed many people as I haven't been writing on Amareena lately. But no worries, something might come up. Not sure when but... Sooner or later, I will write about them. They're still my most favourite couple!

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