chapter 1

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A girl with long purple hair, stood in the airports of her home country, Japan. Purplish pink eyes that sparkled like the stars stared outside through the window

There were thousands of her fans outside the airport, cheering for her, only to see her once. The crowd was so bad extra securities were needed

She sighed with a smile, this is her life, a life of an idol

It's been years since she stepped foot in Japan. For work related reasons, she had to live in Korea for many years

Where she became one of the most wanted pop idols

She loves all her followers, her well wishers. But sometimes, it gets tiring

Thinking all this, she felt movement on her chest. Looking down, her eyes soften seeing her daughter crawl a little closer to her neck, to get her warmth. She looked at her side, her son was fast asleep

A small but genuine smile came to her lips

This was her first time traveling after she gave birth to the lights of her life, her little babies and it was hard

It was a long way home. And especially for her 8 months old twin babies. They were uncomfortable, being fussy and what not

It's not like she was complaining. She was more than happy to be with them. But sometimes, it's exhausting being a single mother and take care of everything

But looking at their calm sleeping face, it made everything worth it

"Miss Abe Suki"

A call was heard and she looked up

A man in his early thirties was there, a friendly smile on his face. He was coming to her, his hand already stretching out for and hand shake

She smiled and got up, her baby girl still in her arms. She took his hand


She said while shaking his hand. She has her always present smile on her face

"I'm Keisuke haruki, I was sent from the agency to be your personal assistant from now. Me along with a few more of my colleagues would be taking care of all your concerts and work related programs"

He explained, making her sigh in relief

"It's great to meet you, Keisuke-san. I hope we'll get along and help each other in need"

The said man smiled at her, nodding his head before he looked out the window

"Wow, madame. I have to say, I've never seen someone have this much followers in my life. You literally just landed in Japan and your fans already managed to jam the whole airport "

His words made her giggle, looking back at the crowd from the window

"I guess so... I hope I'll be able to exceed their expectations and create more amazing works of mine. I hope the people of my own country would love me just as much if not more then where I were before "

She said, thinking about a path she decided to leave

He smiled at her reassuringly

"I hope so too, Madame. Now if you don't mind me asking, how was your flight? Were you and your little ones comfortable?"

She looked back at her sleep son and daughter, a soft smile on her tired yet gorgeous face

"Yes. It was as smooth as it could be. They're a bit fussy from all the journey but healthy none the less"

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