When Life Happens (3)

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A/N : Chapter contains mildly mature content. Please skip the part if you're not comfortable.


Neil tried to compose himself as he descended the stairs of the terrace. Whatever she had said was the truth & it was nothing that he didn't already know but it still sting like poison. He was not the same person anymore who had tried to give up on life in a moment of weakness. He had worked upon himself - a lot! & he had made himself a person who knew & understood the meaning & importance of life & love! He would never do that again. But, a reminder of the dreaded past wasn't what he wanted when all he was trying to do was try to better his future, their future for fucks sake! 

By the time he reached his room, the pain had turned into anger & he desperately needed a distraction. So, he walked out of the room to find the easiest one. 

Neil made his way towards the kitchen & by the time he opened the fridge, his movements were automated. He took out the vegetables from the vegetable box & started chopping them, his body moved in muscle memory while his mind went back to what Avni had said. 

It had happened six years ago, he had come to visit home during his semester break from his University in London when he found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him. It was tough for him to handle, they had been together for five years & he had thought that they would be the endgame. However, life had other plans. So, one night, when he was out with his friends, he drank without any count in order to drown himself in self-pity. And, it was then, in a moment of weakness, he had tried to cut his wrist by a knife but thankfully, his friend saved him from doing anything stupid. 

The gossips of the shit-show that he had pulled off spread like wild fire among their acquaintances & Neil wanted out. He felt suffocated. He had decided that he'd never commit such absurdity ever again the moment he saw tears in his Mom's eyes. He did everything from meditation to yoga to journaling to cooking to every coping mechanism known to humans, and he redeemed himself. He wasn't ashamed of the things that he did, he had made peace with his past & was even ready to move on with his life & embrace each & every moment as it came. He still believed that love was beautiful & it was real. But, she did manage to reassert his belief that his dream of a happy family life was indeed broken into irredeemable fragments.

Neil had lost track of time when he had finally completed preparing the food. It was only when Shweta came to him that he realised the fact that he had been in the kitchen for hours now & had prepared a meal which was enough to serve around twenty people. 

S - Beta, are you okay? - she asked concernedly as she looked at the three course meal that Neil had cooked. 

N - Yes, Mom. - he answered as he put the fruits in the custard & kept it in the fridge. 

S - And you think you can lie to me? - she narrowed her eyes at him.

N - Pch! I am okay Mom! - he kissed her forehead as he offered her a comforting smile. Just had some things on my mind. I am fine, promise. - he blinked his eyes while Shweta still looked at him doubtfully.   

S - Acha, thik hai! What do we do about this feast that you've prepared, huh? - she asked while shaking her head. 

N - Apne khaane ka share alag krlo. Baaki main orphanage mein de dedunga. Okay? - he titled his head & pouted while blinking his eyes hoping that her mother would buy the cuteness. [* Put our share of food aside, I'll give the rest of the food at the orphanage. Okay? *]

S - You always slide away with these expressions, Tillu! This is the last time I'm letting them work. - she huffed while he smiled sheepishly. 

Unknown to them, their little exchange was being watched by Avni & Prakash who were standing at the threshold of the kitchen. She couldn't help herself from smiling a little when she watched him smiling. She tried to blink away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes as Prakash ruffled her hair a little & walked inside the kitchen. 

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