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I narrow my eyes at his pretty and tired face. Half-lidded eyes, curtained by those inky eyelashes hold the drunkenness of loads. His lips are pulled in a small frown and I'm surprised to see his audacity.

How could he even imagine something like that?

"Your bed is mine, too, and I don't want you to sleep here beside me," I say, keeping my anger in check.

I am also tired and want to sleep as soon as possible but about Barak, he needs to rest quicker than I do. My mother kept boasting about him that he wakes up at dawn and all. Blah, blah, blah. That he is a decent man while I wake up late. Mostly around ten in the morning.

So what?

He sighs a deep sigh, the sound audible within the tall and thick walls. "Isn't it useless, Mikayla? Don't be so childish to send me away," he begins, "And I'm your husband now. Is that how you're going to treat me for the rest of our lives?"

"Till death do us part, remember?" I throw a fake grin in his direction.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm used to sleeping in bed. I can't leave it," he tries once again but he doesn't know that he can't convince me. Maybe, others can but not him.

"See Barak, it's your headache. I can't help you here. You were so fond of having a wife, didn't you? Now learn to bear my tantrums, too. I can't sleep with you because I hate you and it's simple. I don't think I need to put out theories about it, do I?"

"And you can't learn to live with me, can you? Is it so hard?"

"I can't change my mind but you can. Remember who's wise between us? It's time to prove it, dear husband."

"So you admit that you're a fool."

As much as it irked me and my jaw clenched the moment he stopped being so sarcastic, I had to keep calm and try not to scratch his face because I'm a lover of beauty, not a destroyer.

"Everybody considers me childish and thinks that you're wise and responsible. It's not my fault that you've brainwashed them." I glare at him, sealing his lips through my burning eyes before he can throw another sarcastic remark. "Now, get your ass back to the couch and never dream of sleeping beside me because hell would freeze before I give up in your arms."

I know I aimed too high because the real and very Mikayla within me knows it's indeed hard to resist this Blondie.

Though I've never imagined those things with him, I'm sure he'll make do it if I didn't remain armored. I have to build this boundary around me but I fear he'll break it down, too, just like it happened to the walls of Jericho.

But what's wrong with blabbering, right?

"Blah, blah, blah," he mutters, rolling his eyes. "Don't make it a challenge. Your face swells when you lose."

"You think I'm gonna lose here?" He has pressed that button. "In your dreams, Blondie!" Keep blabbering, Mikayla. How shameless I am.

"Oh, it's gonna come true then." My jaw clenches. "But don't worry I won't count it because you're my wife and there's nothing like losing and winning between husband and wife."

"You and your misunderstandings, that are literally from another planet."

He chuckles, shaking his head. "You know yourself, that's enough for me. Don't make me say it, Mikayla."

"No, I want to know because I don't know." Maybe, I do. "What do you want to say, say it all," I challenge him, earning myself a serious frown on his face now.

Love Me, MikaylaWhere stories live. Discover now