A Good Listener

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No one seems to grasp what that simple word could do to a person or what it means to a person.

Others say that: "It's a complete waste of time! Why even bother?!" "SO BORING!" "I'm only here because you were hot-"

Moving on, a simple action such as listening to a person can help them and make their choices quite accordingly to their expectations.

If I were to say the words on what my clients have said to me, I'd say I'd make a good listener.

End of Communication


Client: "You are not good listener."

Y/n: "I'm sorry?"

Client: "Were you even listening to what I just said?"

Y/n: [scratches his head] "That you're struggling washing the dishes?"

Client: "Yes! Thank you for listening! I didn't know that you were actually listening to me rambling on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on-"

Y/n: (I actually didn't know that and I was just guessing. I didn't think I'd get it right.)

Client: "--on and on and on and on and on and and on and on and on and on-"

Y/n: "Okay, let me stop you right there, Ms. Doubenbraft. So, any problems, other than your own dishes of plates in the sink?"

Ms. Doubenbraft: "It's stupid, I know, but the more I look at them the more I CAN'T do them because I'll have to scrub them before I put them in the dishwasher, because the dishwasher sucks, and I just can't stand and scrub the dishes."

Ms. Doubenbraft: "I felt like an idiot even saying it. What kind of grown ass woman is undone by a stack of dishes? There are people out there with actual problems, and I'm whining to my therapist about dishes?

Y/n: "..."

Ms. Doubenbraft: [sighs] "I knew I was just wasting your time...I'll be on my way now."

The woman stands up and walks out through the door before hearing-

"Run the dishes twice."

Ms. Doubenbraft: [turns around and faces him] "Huh? But you're not supposed to-"

Y/n: "Let me stop you right there and silence you for a bit."

With the air being so tense and how serious he was with the face he's making, actually looking at him right now, he looks kinda hot-

Y/n: "Why the hell aren't you supposed to, huh?" 

Y/n: "If you don't want to scrub the dishes and your dishwasher sucks, run it twice."

 Y/n: "Run it three times, who cares?! Rules do not exist in your own comfort."  


At the end of the session, he got fired.

Y/n: "F%&k!"

He throws a tantrum and kicks down a trash can. Spilling all the wastes from the inside were: banana peels, uneaten apples (plural), a perfectly yellow clean Dorito, a destroyed amphibian frog carcass, and other stuff that was just too hard to examine because of how disgusting it is.

Groaning at the mess, he picks up the trash and puts it all back into the trash can.

Just because he has a bad day, doesn't mean he has to lash it out on our Mother Earth (Gaia).

He respects the environment just as much he loves his money that has an intoxicating smell that you can't resist.

Y/n: "How am I gonna get money now?"

Truth be told, that was your last job and your forever last one to get hired. 

Y/n: "I don't even know how I'm gonna earn when I'm all out of options...well...I suppose I can commit robbery...but that would mean using the sacred weapon: AMERICA'S GREATEST PISTOL!"

Y/n: "As tempting as that is, I think I'm gonna pass... I'm a changed man now so violence is needed."

Y/n: "Welp! Guess we're going back home! I'm starving."

He walks to his destination and finally sees his home. What a great place to stay!    

If I wasn't overly pronouncing my sarcasm, you wouldn't even notice, maybe you did

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If I wasn't overly pronouncing my sarcasm, you wouldn't even notice, maybe you did. Don't care.

The house looks okay!...ish

The outside of the house may look....questionable but I promise you that the inside of his interior is magical.

Well, no magic was used of course, he's just him. A simple man who did it all on his own. 

With no help....whatsoever...

Y/n: [opens his door] "Honey! I'm hooome!"

Suddenly, a portal appears in front of you without any warning.

Y/n: "What the fu-"

Those were your last words that day on Earth.

Rest in Peace, my friend, you will be missed.

Rest in Peace, my friend, you will be missed

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That is... If you were dead.

This story wouldn't even exist without you.

And without you, it is nothing like blank piece of paper.

Now then...

Let us begin.

Your Journey To The West, you must now become monkey to become Monke King-

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