Chapter Four- The First Sneak Out

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The First Sneak Out

After we went swimming, Zack followed Hanna and me to our cabin. He claimed he couldn't sleep, but I think he is genuinely scared of seeing Alaina's ghost.

I am sure it is past the curfew, but everything about the camp at night makes the legend more eerie. Zack rests his head on the couch. His feet are dangling over the edge.

"Do you think ghosts are real?" He asks, his eyes closed like he is in deep thought.

I am lying on the ground below him. Hanna is sitting by my feet. I yawn, unaware of what time it is, "I don't know what is real anymore."

"I'm scared I will see her," Zack says, his voice fading. It's time for him to leave.

"She's not scary," I say. I can say that with confidence now. Alaina is not scary, but she is sad. She is a sad soul, looking for someone to save her. She is just like anyone of us.

Zack raises up, finally. I flinch, the sudden movement scaring me. "I need to leave," He says, his voice groggy.

"Goodnight," I say, relieved to get the rest. Tomorrow was opening day, and I was dreading it already.

"See you at opening day," He says, barely getting to the door.

"Go to bed, Zack," Hanna motions, rubbing her temple. He leaves, but only because I force him out the door.

"We need to get some rest so we can do our research," Hanna says. I look over at her, putting my finger to my mouth as a way to tell her to be quiet. Amelia is in her bed already. Her chest moves up and down as she breathes in her sleep.

"She's out of it," She blows me off. Although, I am worried that Amelia is pretending so she can eavesdrop.

"You don't know that for sure," I say, lowering my voice.

Hanna steps closer to Amelia's sleeping body, "Oh yeah, she's already drooling."

"Okay, quit! Go to sleep. I'll wake up in a couple of hours." I say, getting into the bed and turning on my side so my back is facing her.

Hours later, I am still tossing beneath the covers. Every time I close my eyes, I see Alaina standing at the dock. I am unaware of the time until I finally check my phone on the nightstand. It is two o'clock in the morning. I look over at Hanna, who is snoring quietly as she exhales.

I rise out of bed, the floor creaking as my feet touch the cold wooden panels. I stop, looking over at Amelia. She's still sleeping soundly, so I keep moving once more.

I go over to Hanna's bed and start nudging her lightly.

"Hanna?" I whisper, "Are you ready?"

Hanna's body jolts, "Huh?"

"Are you ready to go?" I ask.

"What time is it?" She raises up a little, her voice still tired. Her blonde curls are falling out of her low bun.

"Two," I say.

"Two in the morning? Are you sure this is what you want to do?" She asks me.

"This was your idea!" I say, raising my voice while trying to maintain a whisper.

She huffs, getting out of bed. Hanna is dressed in shorts and a long shirt that goes down to her knees. She takes a pair of slippers and quickly puts them on.

"Is Zack coming?" She asks as we head for the door.

"Zack doesn't even know about this," I tell her, feeling a sting of guilt that I left him out of our little adventure.

"Do you think he should?" She asks.

I wait to answer her as I close the door behind us, "I will have to tell him eventually, but it's not like we're doing anything top secret. We just want to make sure that the homeless girl is okay," I say, trying not to laugh at what I just said.

"But, we don't think she's homeless," She says.

"We have a lot of theories and we're just exploring one of them," I correct her to make myself feel better.

"Do you think she'll come looking for us if she wakes up?" Hanna asks as we walk.

"No, Amelia barely talks during the day. I don't think she is going to try to investigate this," While I say that, I am not exactly sure how correct I am.

Through the dark we go, the only light we have is the moon and the flashlight on our phones trying its best to guide us. The admissions cabin is on the other side of the campground. As we pass by Heidi's cabin, I worry that somehow she'll notice us out. I don't know how I can explain trying to get in the admissions cabin at two in the morning, but I need to think of a lie just in case. However, nothing really makes sense. So, I just hope and pray that I don't have to cross that bridge.

When we get to the cabin, I try to the door but it is locked. Panic swells inside of me as I search for an alternative entrance. All I can think about is the countless times on TV shows where they pick locks.

"Hanna, do you have a bobby pin?" I ask, leaning down on the ground to attempt something I have never even done before.

"Yeah," She pulls it out of her hair, "What are you doing with it?"

I start to bend it back, thinking back to those mystery shows I've seen. I know I am probably doing this wrong, but I have to find out about Alaina somehow.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" Hanna stands above me as I twist the lock until I accidentally drop one of the bobby pins.

"Not really," I sigh, frustration starting to take over me.

"Let me try," Her knees go to the ground and she starts twisting. Then, she dropped the bobby pin like I did. Except this time, one of them drops through the cracks on the porch.

"Are you kidding me?" I knew something like this would happen. I just wanted peace to know that Alaina wasn't a ghost so I could move on with my life. No more camp legends.

I'm about to just go back to bed until, out of nowhere, I hear a voice behind us say, "I can do it."

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