Take down the sniper!

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Izuku and the Shiketsu get ambushed by a long range sniper. The spy was killed by the sniper and now they are taking cover from the enemy attack!

Deku:(Tries looking)
Gale Force: Stay down!(keeps him down)
Gale Force: Huh?!(See's the bullet that passed over them)
Deku: What the?(Grabs it)What kind of a bullet is this?
Gale Force: Is that a ninja star?!
Deku:(Looks back to see what happened to the spy and sees a the same star shard on his head)The bullet that fired at us looks like some sort of metal star shard?! So these aren't bullets? But these things can still do damage to you if get hit with these?!

(Meanwhile out from the distance where the shiketsu are being fired at on a high abandon skyscraper)
Villain: Damn so close...(Reloading)

Long shot! Real name Naga-sa Kōtetsu his quirk: Star shards! By creating star shards like from a ninja science fiction novel. He can also turn these shards into a small bullet shard with a support item to help him fire with. Creating a long range sniper rifle!

Long Shot:(With the help of my support item thanks Trumpet let me use I can use it no matter how far you are...)(Gets ready to fire again)To bad you can fire three rounds instead of more...

(Back at the rooftop)
Seiji: Can anyone see where that came from?
Camie: We all took cover from where it was firing at.
Deku: Before Gale kept me down I saw something shining in that tall building that's right where the shooter was is at. That tall skyscraper?!
Seiji: That building was abandoned for years? A good place to watch your enemies and targets from that high? You have to have good eyes to target them from that height?!
Mora: We can't just stay down with him up there?! One of us needs to take him down!
Deku: We just need a distraction?
Camie: Leave that to me.(using her quirk)

(Back at the abandoned skyscraper)
Long shot: Hmmm? What are they up to?(Sees a cloud growing everywhere in all directions)(Are they using this smoke as a cover? No...(Looks through the scope to find any of them)They are up to something?

(Then Deku and Gale Force make their move)

(Meanwhile somewhere else in the west side of the city)
Trumpet: How's everything going?
Villain 7: Everything is going good sir. Just a few more days and will be ready to transport this to Doctor himself. He'll be pleased about this when he gets it.
Villain 8: Umm boss? Why did you sent long shot out there? With my quirk I could've been a better at taking care of those heroes myself.
Trumpet: I know that but I still need you to help me to make sure that this gets transported to the old doctor himself soon. Besides Long shot is one of my best warriors to take care of few problems we need to dispose of.

(Back at the rooftops)
Long Shot: Attacking me head on ehh? Big mistake.

(Fires out two star shards at them and they managed to dodge them)

Long Shot: Now retreat!(Both shards comes back for them)
Deku: There coming back!(Air force!)

(Deku takes both star shards down)

Gale Force:(He can control them?!)
Deku: This guy is good...

Long Shot: Not bad...let's see if you can dodged this.

(Long shot fires out a different star bullet and then they scattered everywhere)
Deku: Incoming!
Gale Force:(Tries to blow them away)!!! They are withstanding my quirk?!

Gale force was trying hard to keep them from getting him but some got right through his winds and he was getting cut in every part of his body
Deku:(Black whip!)(Grabs Gale before the shards had a chance to hit him more)
Gale Force: Damnit! Thanks for the save!
Mora:(Joins them)He sure is full of surprises?!
Deku: But where not even close to him?!

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