Chapter I | 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 |

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Daenaera Targaryen came at the keep with her two children and husband, she had to leave due to her marriage with lord Torrhen Stark, her father and her older sister hadn't seen her children they hadn't seen how she grew without them, at times, Daenaera felt alone, her husband would hit her, yell at her, she felt sorry for herself, but she had to be strong, strong for her children,

She made her way to the throne room, that was where her father spent all his time, as she entered, no one was to be found, except, Alicent Hightower, She knew about the marriage between her father and her, but alicent had grown, she remembered how scared the girl was for the bedding ceremony, no women should have gone through something she didn't want, But nonetheless she spoke

"My queen," Daenaera said as she curtsied before the queen, alicent seemed quite glad to see her because of her big smile

"Princess Daenaera, it is so good to see you, how are you," The queen gave a smile, Daenaera was the princesse to understand what alicent was going through as a child, she didn't want to marry viserys, but as she grew, she started to take care of him, she didn't love him, but he meant everything to her

The princess looked at alicent. She hadn't aged a day, yet she did,

"I am quite well, How about of you," Daenaera asked. She smiled politely. She didn't want to he rude. She was always sweet to the poor and to the nobles,

"I am well. You must have come to see the king. I'll escort you if you don't mind?" Alicent said, Daenaera wanted to go alone to her father, but she didn't want to seem rude, but she also wasn't afraid to speak

"If you don't mind, i will visit the king alone, but thank you for asking," Daenaera said as she once again curtsied before leaving the queen to her thoughts

But alicent spoke before Daenaera went to leave

"Daenaera, it's good to have you back," Alicent said with a slight smile. She was truly glad to see her again,

Daenera smiled and nodded as she left

She saw herself to her father's chamber. She smiled to herself before knocking. A voice came through

"Who is it?" The voice said, Daenaera raised her brow, it was a woman's voice, she wondered who it was

"Um, it's me, Daenaera," Daenaera said, confused about who the girl was,

"Come in," The girl replied, And Daenaera did as told, she saw her father and a girl she did not know, the girl had brown locks of hair, a bit similar to alicent, she then thought, maybe, it was her father's child

"Father, how good it to see you," Daenaera said. She looked at her father. He looked worse than ever. He had lost an arm, she is so confused right now,

"Ah, my dear... daenae-" Viserys went to say only to be cut off by a cough. The girl feed him milk of the poppy to ease the pain,

"Thank you, my dear- lila- lilac," Viserys said as he rubbed Lilac's brown locks

Lilac smiled, she worried for her father, it was the eldest daughter job to worry for her father, Daenaera was the younger sister, but she loved and worried for her father, Rhaenyra, was the eldest daughter of king viserys and aemma, and daenaera was the younger daughter, Daenaera saw how much lilac cared for her father, she almost saw herself and rhaenyra in the young princess,

Lilac cupped viserys's cheek and kissed his forehead, and spoke

"I'll let you two speak," Lilac said smiling at her father and the got up for where she was sitting, as she got up, she looked at Daenaera and smiled at her half sister and smiled at her, and then she left,

Daenaera sat beside the bed where her father was. She softly placed her hand on top of his, and she feared for the health of her father,

"Father, words cannot describe how delighted i am to see you after all these years," Daenaera said, she felt tears in her violet eyes, a tear spills down her eye, viserys looked at his daughter, and said

"Daenaera, look at you, all gro- grown and beautiful, i am happy to call you my daughter," Viserys had coughed and then continued to speak, Daenaera now had tears in her eyes,

"I love you so much, Father," Daenaera cried,

"As do i. My sweetling," Viserys replied smiling at his daughter, he was proud of her, proud of his eldest daughter as well, he had tears in his eyes, he loved all of them, he missed his first wife so much, he wanted to join her for so long, but he didn't, he stayed to watch his children grow,

Sim talks 🪐

I love this so much 😭😭😭😭

Sim 🎀⭐️🤍

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