Chapter 11: The Horse Ride

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My heart stopped as I sat on the horse. I feel very stiff.

Damn! I have never done this before. It feels like I'm just learning how to walk.

“Are you comfortable?” One of the soldiers asks, pulling me out of my trance.

No matter what, I have to be very careful so I don't reveal myself and upset the Alpha.

I looked ahead at Xavier and got lost for a moment at how easily he was able to climb the horse.

I nod once. “I'm fine,” I assure the soldier.

Looking up again, I watched how he gripped the rope and I did the same. Even at that, my heart was still in my mouth.

A soldier moves closer to each of our horses and starts walking it out.

I released a sigh I didn't even know I was holding. Now this is better.

We rode out of the pack house and into the forest. We head east.

The Alpha was riding slowly beside me now and my mind drifted right to when he hugged me.

How I wish we could have sex again and I could touch his chest while he slams into me. I won't mind at this point.

“Luna, would you like to ride faster?” a voice asks suddenly, and the fantasy I've created in my head clears off.

I look at the soldier holding the reins of the horse and blink once. This particular soldier is off to get me.

“Really?” Xavier cranes his head towards me. “Should we do that?”

I blink again and shake my head slowly.

He regarded me for another moment and I had that slight thought that he understood me. But when I thought he was going to get down or order me to, he turned away.

“Let's go, then!” He said in an energy-filled voice.

Actually, this was my first time hearing that slight excitement in his voice. He sounded like a kid who was promised candy.

The soldier hit my horse from behind and the horse took on a fast pace and I almost fell off it.

I grip the ropes harder, by now it was getting even faster.

The only person I could see now was the Alpha. The horse had already left the maids and the soldiers right behind us.

“Oh my!” I yell suddenly as my left leg slips off the footbed.

Perhaps the Alpha was enjoying it or he was merely torturing me, he screamed. “To the left!”

My eyes dart quickly over to the clear path by the left.

What the heck? How am I even supposed to turn the horse to the left?

The horse was racing so fast now that I couldn't even see how Xavier controlled his horse.

He leaps forward suddenly, and I find myself gripping the rope harder for my life as my upper body lurches forward, and my right leg shifts from the footbed.

This will definitely be the end of me.

When I looked up again, Xavier was nowhere to be found. Apparently, he had veered from that direction but my stupid horse couldn't even understand how much I was panicking but only continued to race.

You would think he is racing for an award.

“Autumn! What are you doing?” A deep, familiar voice says suddenly behind me.

I didn't need to turn around before I knew it was the Alpha.

“I don't know!” I yell back.

“Stop the horse!” He yells, annoyingly from behind.

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