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Ever since you moved to the new town, you had trouble finding a place to stay at, due to you not having much money

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Ever since you moved to the new town, you had trouble finding a place to stay at, due to you not having much money. You had landed a job at a small cafe, but it was barely enough to cover your expenses. So, you settled for a run-down apartment and called it your new home.

As you walked through the door of your new place, you couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness wash over you. The apartment was in a sorry state, with peeling paint, a broken window, and a musty smell that seemed to linger in every corner. You didn't have much time to clean it properly, so you just did the best you could and put some of your belongings in the few rooms that were still habitable.

You had just changed into some fresh clothes, trying to make yourself feel a little better, when you sat down on the futon and took out a photograph from your pocket. It was a picture of you and your friends from your old town. You couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as you looked at their smiling faces.

"I miss you, Zana...'' you said to yourself, your voice trailing off as a single tear ran down your cheek. It had been hard leaving your past life behind, but you had to do it. You had to start over and make a new life for yourself.

Your hand subconsciously went down your leg, a pain so hidden that it still burned inside you. You took a minute to compose yourself and just get on with your day. You had a job that was calling you, and that was all you needed. You walked out of your apartment and popped on your headphones, trying to drown out your thoughts as you walked through the busy streets.

As you were lost in your own world, you noticed some commotion up ahead. You stopped in your tracks and squinted, trying to get a better look. You caught a glimpse of Kotoha and a new face that you hadn't seen before.

"Who's he?'' you mumbled to yourself, curious. You walked up to them and tapped Kotoha on the shoulder, looking at her in a confused way.

"Did something happen, Ko?'' you asked, and she let out a sigh.

"It's fine, don't worry about it'' she reassured you. You then turned your attention to the dual-haired guy, his eyes were interesting, and so was his hair, but you shrugged it off and went about your day.

You were in the back of the cafe, sorting some things out, when you heard Kotoha talking to the new person. You couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation, mostly staring at the newcomer, just observing him. You found him rather curious, with an air of mystery surrounding him. You knew a lot about Furin High, the high school in your new town, but never paid much attention to it.

Of course you didn't...

As the new boy was leaving, Kotoha said something that struck you.

''I can tell you're strong, but that isn't enough to reach the top of Furin. Because... you're 'alone', you know?'' she said, this seemed to have surprised the dual haired guy as you noticed the change in expression

''I'm not talking about your physical strength, just go meet the people from Furin. Then, you'll understand'' Kotoha said, the new guy walked out, somewhat agitated by it all

As he walked out, you just found yourself staring at the door through which he left from, some questions floating in your mind, but you just let out a sigh.

''Sakura Haruka, huh...'' Your voice trailed off as you found yourself in thought

Just as you about to carry on with your work, you yet again heard commotion from outside, you really didn't want to bother, but you saw Kotoha go outside, so you had to go check. As you walked out. You noticed, Sakura fighting some guys. You stood there staring at the scene.

A sight so familiar, but all a distant memory now. You felt a tingle in your leg, so you moved back subconsciously. You saw them fight infront of you, but you couldn't do anything. You didn't want to do anything, so you hurried back inside and sat down on the chair.

''Damn it...'' You let out a frustrated groan.



[A few days later]

Sakura started to became a regular at the cafe, not that you minded, he was never talking to you, always Kotoha. But today was the day you finally spoke to him. Kotoha was in the back handling something, and you were the one in front. You saw Sakura walking into the shop, he took a seat of course and you had handed him his breakfast.

'', how long have you worked here?'' Sakura asked out of nowhere, you stopped what you were doing and turned to face him


''A few months'' You replied calmly, he nodded

Just as you were about to leave, the door crashed open, revealing someone falling onto the floor. You sighed, knowing well who it was.


You had only met him once, but it was enough for you.


''Oh L/N-SAN! How's it looking?! This is my Furin uniform!!'' Nirei beamed in happiness, you stared at him


''You look stupid in that shirt'' You said bluntly, Sakura sweat dropped at you

''And those glasses'' Was all you said before walking away

To be continued...

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