Four. Start

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*Eleanora Elliot*

"You're working for Russian men?" My mom asked.

"They're hot." Lia smiled.

"And you want her to have both of them?" She wanted clarification.


She nodded.

"And if that is successful?" My mom asked.

"Then you're invited to the wedding." Lia giggled and I was so over her.

"Well alright then." My mom nodded.

"See it's fine!" She wrapped her arms around me.

I shook my head, grabbing my keys before leaving.

I didn't want to be a jerk but she wasn't letting up.

I drove to the shop. Right on time fortunately.

I walked inside and looked in Lore's room, he was doing a piercing so I looked to Hale's.

"I'll be right out." He said and I nodded.

He came out, wearing a black compression T with black jeans.

Tattoos came down his arms, his chest built, shoulders, biceps, and forearms massive.

I was absolutely an arm girl.

Rings lined his fingers and he gently placed his hand on my back, moving past me as he went behind the counter.

"Alright. Someone is about to come in. I'll show you." He said and I nodded.

We waited and a girl came inside with her mother.

He taught me about birth certificates for minors always, ID from parent and adult client and taught me the printing process for all this.

He showed me the paper work they had to do and all of that.

"You got it?"

I nodded.

"If you forget that's okay, just ask Lore or I. You two can wait he'll be with you shortly." He nodded and the two sat.

"Then just let one of us know we have someone waiting. For tattoos it's a multi-step process. You'll be scheduling appointments like this." He showed me a fake scenario and showed me the scheduling process before showing me how to possibly cancel it.

"Got it?"


"Good. Let Lore know he has someone." He said and I did, knocking on the doorframe.

"You have someone waiting after this client."

"Thank you." He grabbed the mirror to show the woman the piercing.

Hale nodded.

"Good." He turned and left.

Lore came out, looking at the 14 year old girl.



"I'll take you now." He nodded and they followed him back.


I helped them close the shop around midnight.

They cleaned their areas while I swept the main area.

I organized the paperwork filled out today by name.

"Tired?" Lore asked and I turned, his gaze on me sweeping.

"Yeah. I don't wanna go home either." I smiled.


"Lia is probably sitting on my bed waiting for me. She has no sense of space or minding her own business."

He nodded.

"That seems annoying."

"It can be. I love her more than anything but I just wish she'd leave some things alone."

"Like what?"

"Oh it's a weird thing she won't let go." I shook my head.

"You working here?" He guessed.

I put the broom back and nodded.

"Gotcha." He looked over and Hale walked from his room, shutting the door and locking it.

"Good?" He asked.

"I am." Lore nodded.

They both looked at me.

"Yeah I'm done." I sighed.

We got outside and they locked the door to the shop.

"Where are you parked?" Lore asked.

I pointed to the parking garage down the road.

"I'll walk you." Hale said tossing the keys to Lore.

"It's okay-"

"It's midnight and you're a pretty girl. Let's get you to your car." He gently placed his hand on my back and pushed me to move.

"Goodnight Nora." Lore said.

"Goodnight." I muttered as we walked silently.

Nora was different. I liked it. I didn't feel 5 when I was called it.


No. I liked Nora.

"You two look older." I mumbled.

He just hummed.

I shouldn't have said that.

I looked up at him. I was a tall woman. 5'10 ish. But they were tall men.

He had a few decent inches on me. Both of them did.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just asking."

"How old do we look?"

"Mmmm 31?"

"34." He said.

I nodded.

"Is that old?"

I smiled.

"I mean, not really, compared to me sure." I shrugged.



He nodded.

We got to my car, he opened my door for me.

"Thank you." I sat inside and he shut the door.

Now to face Lia.

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