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"IM NOT READY, MOMMY." eight year old jasmine gilbert says as she sits on her hot pink bike without training wheels for the first time, with just her mom holding her up.

"Yes, you are, baby. You can do anything." Miranda replies in response to her daughter.

Jasmine frowns up at her mommy, thinking deep about the older woman's words.

"I can do anything. I can do anything. I can do anything." She whispers to herself over and over again, moving her feet with the pedals to get herself moving.

Once she starts pedaling, and balancing herself, Miranda lets go of the bike, and Jasmine rides the bike on her own, with the brightest grin a little girl could have plastered on her face.

"I'm doing it!" She cheers, "look, mommy!"

"I see you, baby! You're amazing!" Miranda smiles at her daughter.

"Miranda! Elena fell." Grayson, Jasmines dad yells from the doorway to the house once he steps foot outside.

Miranda quickly jogs to the house, and jasmine frowns. She sighs, getting off of her bike and walking it over to the little garage that they have in the back of their house.

She hears chirping then, and turns to see the chirper in action. She stops when she sees a black and blue beautiful bird, chirping in a sing song tone.

"Hey, i can do that too!" Jasmine says, trying to sing, but failing as she gets a million tiny voice cracks.

The bird flies away. Ouch.

She never was much of a singer.

She sighs once again, walking into her house to find her one year old brother sat in a play area. "Hi, Jere bear. What you doing, kiddo?" She says, using her baby voice as she walks over to the little boy.

The baby claps his hands, and she smiles. "Yeah, i like toys too." She nods, just assuming what he said, and responding.

She then watches as her dad walks into the room, "daddy, Jere bear clapped!" she cheers.

"That's nice." Grayson says in response, making her frown. She doesn't like her daddy very much. He spends too much time in his office or with elena or jeremy, and not any time with jasmine anymore.

She's always been a mommy's girl, no doubt about it.

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eight years later

"Hey, Lena. Can you pass me my hairbrush?" Jasmine asks her eleven year old sister as she's getting ready to go to her high school prom.

Elena nods, grabbing the light blue hairbrush from off of jasmines bed, and walking back over to her makeup stand. Elena hands the hairbrush to her, which she takes with a small 'thank you'.

Elena loves watching her big sister do her makeup and get ready, and Jasmine knows that, so she lets her watch her sometimes.

"Roar! Incoming! Pow! Splash! Pew, pew!" Their 9 year old brother exclaims, running into Jasmines room with a toy dinosaur, and a toy truck. He's been watching too much jurassic park.

"Jeremy! Get out! She needs her space!" Elena yells, chasing him out of jasmines room.

Jasmine smiles as she puts her mascara on. Her little siblings are her favorite people, even if they do get on her nerves sometimes.

"Jas, Tiana's here!" She then hears her mom yell from downstairs,

"Shit, she's early." Jasmine says, standing up from her chair, and grabbing her small purse.

She stands in front of her tall mirror, and huffs, "I can do anything." She continues to say, remembering her mother's words from eight years ago.

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two years later

"I don't want you to go!" Jeremy exclaims, sulking as he crosses his arms.

"Yeah, me neither. Can't you stay?" Elena frowns, as she stares up at her big sister.

"No can do. I gotta do big kid stuff now, guys." Jasmine smiles a bit as she looks down at her 13 year old sister and her 11 year old brother.

"Please!" They both beg.

"No, i've gotta learn how to make money!" Jas responds, as she puts the last of her clothes in a suitcase.

It's the day she's going to college, and also a very sad day for Elena and Jeremy. They love their big sister. Shes like their third parent.

"I love you guys always." She kisses both of their heads.

Jeremy starts crying, storming out of the room.

"He's such a baby." Elena rolls her eyes, trying to hide the fact she's starting to tear up.

"Come here." Jasmine says, wrapping her arms around her little sister as she cries into her stomach.

"You'll be okay. Now, go get mom, and tell her that you're hungry, cause i heard that little stomach growl." She continues to say, laughing a bit as she releases her little sister from the hug.

Elena smiles sadly, walking out of her room.

Jasmine then sighs, looking over at her tall mirror once again, and repeating the same words she has for every scary moment. "You can do anything."

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jas, elena and jeres relationship won't
change and i won't make elena a bad
person in this book. i don't like her at times,
but she's not a bad person. they will argue
over things tho (rebekah)

 they will argueover things tho (rebekah)

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𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄,  rebekah mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now