Chapter 11

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Enzo's pov

I had been sparing with Drax when I herd footsteps coming from the side a little boy appeared out if the bush light brown hair and little wolf ears 'wasn't that one of Elysia's friends?' I thought he seemed out of breath "oh kid what are you doing out here" I turned to see Lux glaring at the kid "Elysia *pant* Miles are fighting" he said holding the tree for support "it's really bad they might kill each other they never fought like this Miles is on a rampage and Elysia's no better and there both still injured" "honestly not even the first day they've been here and already causing trouble come on show me" Lux sighed of course the student were curious and so was I I mean my little twin sister? In a fight you know 'I've never seen her gift in action or her strength and that boy who exactly was he?'

The class followed silently just then something white fell from the sky 'snow?'
I looked up dark clouds covering the sky "here!"

"Miles! Elysia! Stop!" I her a feminine voice yell water was in the sky grabbing the wrist of the two who stood in the clearing the boy with pure white hair and crystal blue eye's had smoke coming out of his mouth as he clenched his teeth he freed his wrist in seconds "think this through!" He was yelling "I told you I already did!" I herd a familiar voice black hair and angry hot pink eyes glaring at the white headed boy "oh really and what part!?" The boy exclaimed raising icicles from the ground and shooting them at her but she didn't move "the part where it doesn't concern you!" She said giving him a deadly gaze an ice wall shot out of the ground as smoke filled the air as it cleared both Elysia and Miles were no where to be seen
"up there!" I herd a student call two figures where clashing through the sky and Elysia seemed to be winning as Miles attempted to attack she blocked it with her kick sending him back the the ground he caught himself last minute clenching his teeth angrily he leaped up once again "it's a dumb plan!" You could hear him yell "the plan on not putting people in danger oh yea sure!" They both came back down at the same time glaring at each other from the clearing I watched miles grab another icicle "if you leave you'll die or get captured have you thought about that!?" He yelled "I told you already that's my concern if I stay they'll track you down as well look at what happened to Jasper!" She shouted "you weren't there when Jasper died!" He exclaimed "but he wasn't far off he had been with us those hole two weeks we only separated for a few days!" She pointed out "we couldn't find them because they were being attacked!" "It happened once!" Miles protested "for you it was once for me it was twice!" Elysia yelled "How the hell can I explain this if you don't tell us the first time!" He shouted silence fell among them "guy-" the grey hair girl tried to cut in "I already told you" Elysia muttered letting her guard down a bit the anger in her eyes dimmed a bit "I tried to escape with a friend there were mics in the room we got caught half way Alex was killed I was poisoned and same with Jasper we didn't predict the fact that they could follow us yet alone be out here since the rumours say the humans are to scared if we had planned it out Jasper would still be here right now!" She raised her voice a little looking up I saw pure anger reflecting in them "it's for the best you moron! Zack will be safe and so will you guys!" "Oh and what about you!?" Miles asked angrily "I'm not sure about me! Like I said I'll figure it out!" She yelled silence once more the snow became rain they seemed out of breath "do what you want" he grumbled chucking the icicle on the floor "but you're making a mistake!" Elysia muttered something turned around and walked of in to the forest the girl and the young boy looked at each other worried "they never fought before..." I herd they girl whisper "do you think what Elysia says is true? Will she really leave and will the humans come after her? If so won't she be in danger" "it's also a matter of the village Elysia's deciding on the best way to keep everyone safe including you Zack if she stays like she said the village will be in danger I know the effects of the poison as well not just that the humans now more about her then she knows about herself it won't take long for them to catch up and if her prediction is true..." the grey haired girl looked at the rain above the clearing "I'm saying she has a point but I'm not saying her idea is a good one let's say worst thing that could happen now is she leaves under the cover of night with out a word but I'm pretty sure she might stay longer" 

I walked through the forest  'the talk of her leaving... from what I hear she's scared to put everyone in danger.. let's go ask her' I walked in the direction Elysia had gone to finding the same black hair watching the same lake that she had been watching last time.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 30 ⏰

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