Out of My League

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Kaylee Shores

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Kaylee Shores

Me and Paige snuck out of the club. I told Destiny I was leaving but I don't think she really heard me, she was having a lot of fun with Nika. Me and Paige were walking a long the side walk under the street lights. It was hard to keep up to her because she was really tall and a fast walker.

"Oh my gosh could you walk any faster?" I said to her. She looked at me and smiled. She was like 8 inches taller than me.

"So what are you going to college for?" Paige asked me.

"Im going to college for journalism. I hope one day I'll be on big news outlets." I told her. It had been my dream since I was a little girl. I wanted to interview athletes or do the weather every morning. I wanted to get my name out there. I had never even told anyone that before besides my family, not even Jess. But It felt like me and Paige had been friends forever it was so easy to talk to her. But we had just met an hour and a half ago. I'd been completely distracted from Jess the whole time I was with Paige.

"Yo that's sick, are you enjoying it?" She asked me.

"Yeah I like it. What about you? What are you at UConn for?" I asked her. She laughed a little and looked away, then looked back. We were still walking along the sidewalk. I wasn't sure where we were even going.

"I'm going here mainly for basketball but I'm majoring in business." Paige said.

"So that's how you know Nika! Cause you are both on the team?" I said to her finally putting the pieces together.

"Yeah I didn't wanna say that to you before I don't know why." She explained. I didn't even realize it was a big deal.

"Oh it's fine, um also where are we going?" I asked her. She laughed a little bit.

"My car" She said smiling. The street lights were bright, illuminating her features. We continued talking while walking until we reached her car.

"Do you need a ride back to your apartment?" Paige asked me, motioning to her car.

"Yeah thanks that would be nice." I said to her, and I got into the passenger seat.

"You want aux?" She asked me.

"Yeah always," I plugged my phone in and put on "Out of My League" By the fitz and the tantrums. She smiled when she recognized the song. We were singing out hearts out with the windows rolled down on the way to my apartment. It was so much fun. It's like I had known her forever. The wind was blowing my hair around like crazy. We were screaming the lyrics as she drove. Laughing and smiling because we sounded so bad. The drive wasn't long and soon we had reached my complex.

She turned off the ignition. And I looked over at her.

"This was really fun, thank you Paige for this." I told her. She smiled at me with her bright blue eyes.

"Yeah of course. I had a lot of fun. I'll see you around." She said to me. I said goodbye and got out of her car and closed the door behind me. I waved goodbye and stepped into my apartment building. I heard her car start and leave.

When Destiny got home, she was pretty hammered. I helped her get changed, take off her makeup, and hydrate her. It was nothing new, I mean i've done this 1000x times for her since she parties so much. She fell asleep as soon as I laid her down.

I went into my bedroom and sat down, exhausted. I was very ready to go to bed. I had a lot of fun with Paige. Tonight was probably one of my favorite nights of college. The expectations aren't high because all I do is sit around and study, but that's not the point. I'm glad I had made a friend tonight. Maybe Paige and I could really be friends.

Authors note

I don't know think Paige is actually majoring in business!!!!

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