2|The Harvard jerk!

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My life has always been full of excitement, adventure and so many surprises that I got used to it. And from the last few days, I just wanted my life to get boring, where no one noticed me. Especially that new professor.

The Harvard jerk! 

It had been a week since that jer—Mr. Jeon started teaching us biology. And just like an overhyped book with an extremely tempting cover with a disappointing plot, prof.Jeon turned out to be that book. So he gained that nickname from those same students who swooned over him the very first day. 

He surely made biology a little less boring but a lot more difficult. Who the fvck gives two assignments in just one week of his teaching? 

I started missing my old professor so much after attending his classes. At least he was lenient towards us. 

Whereas he? I still didn't understand why he hadn't just exposed me to the whole class for rejecting him or called me to have a one to one talk. I should feel relieved that he forgot about that moment when I embarrassed myself with zero effort as if I was a pro at this. 

During this whole week, there was only one person who completely enjoyed his classes. Maya, like that girl, just got obsessed with him. 

She was the top student after all, she didn't give a fvck about those assignments. Those were already on her fingertips. 

God I can never. Like never. 

I loved biology, no doubt. After all, I chose this subject so that I could go into research and do my PhD from Harvard. But I just couldn't be a bookworm, like Maya. She was just perfect.

"Just look at this picture. He looks so cute here" Maya showed her laptop screen towards me and Lia, it was prof. Jeon's picture from his university days, i.e. Harvard. 

He was wearing those maroon Harvard sweatshirts, messy hairs and something that didn't look real. He was smiling, standing with his friends. Four to be accurate, one girl beside him and three boys, all in that same sweatshirt. 

So he can smile. 

I couldn't help but shift my eyes from her laptop's screen, from watching him on the screen to watching him in reality, right in front of me. The same man was just a few feet away from us, but he seemed different from the picture. He had grown up a lot and he grew up well. Pretty beautifully I would say. 

The man in front of me was not just a college guy from this picture, he had turned into a gorgeous man. He still had those baby features on his face, when he read something from the book, his lips turned into small pouts and I guess he didn't even know about this. 

Dear, Professor Jeon | jjk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now